Here mass gains coin you fags.
Secret coin
Other urls found in this thread:
shit logo won't even bother clicking the link
sweet logo, clicked the link twice
Cause you want to stay poor feg.
Nice just dumped 100k
Nice bought all thx for cheap coins dude
its not even on exchanges
For real ? So wtf you talking about?
ur mum you faggut
this is the leader of the project posing for a picture unironically
Better start to mine now before you regret it being late.
Get dem juicy features!
So what ? At least there is a person behind the dev tag unlike 90% other cryptos with fake features and icos fegboi
>So what ?
if your IQ was higher you'd understand
Just bought n sold 400k
>Swing trade King 2k18
twitter has 17 followers
if you're a team member you can just use a trip to shill you know
Well then stay poor ye dumb feg
noooo, not yet! I'm halfway to 5k
You will make it brudda , smart people prevail
not sarcasm new cunt, if you're genuinely a team member and it's not a scam it's more beneficial for you to properly shill it.
goddamn it. I swear the average IQ of this place drops by a point everyday.
Wait a miniuite you can only CPU mine this shit?
yes (no)
yesterday you could CPU solo mine it; it's not really possible to do that today.
Well the AliceWonderland node is my one, its mining so slowly...81.4 KH/s
pff , " clicked the link twice "
Such a weak number.
I for one clicked the link 4 times
there is a pool you could jump in at
Started mining it today. Hope I'll be in time to make huge profit off of it once it gets on an exchange.
I was too late with Turtlecoin, and Garlicoin is retarded, but I have learned from my mistakes and I will mine this mother fucker.
where do you find these ascii generators?
aka no skills
>dumb fagget
Buy Garlic
how is it too late for turtlecoin?
Get out with yer garlic shat
Fuck this shit I managed to mine only 3k before the whales ruined it form everyone, now Im getting fucking peanutts.
so this is like link? great, it validates link even further