monster eat image :3
For some reason this thing forces me to offset the image to the right to be accepted every fucking time
This is my favorite wojak
What are your record times lads?
I honestly struggle getting under 1 second...
I pretty much always get .99
I got .8 once and dead on and got rejected and I fucked up and got 1.2 and also got rejected
What does it even mean anyway? Is that a chink thing?
*pets the monster*
look up chinese translation for nigger
the more you know
4chin needs to step their game up
it just translates to "black" m8
i wouldnt be suprised if tether owns binance
>he's trying to sell
>eat the image
0.6 on my phone
Help a brainlet understand what the fuck is going on
i go as slow as possible to see how much i can take before i release the mouse button
what are you a robot? sorry sweetie only humans can understand the most advanced chink captcha technology
Why are the Bogs always against me? Why do they never help?
If you knew what was going on, you wouldn't be using nujack.