How the fuck does a company like WinRAR stay in business?

How the fuck does a company like WinRAR stay in business?

Their software is so easy to crack. I have been using the same key since ages ago and it still works.

>cracking WinRAR
lmao for what fucking purpose


kek this

>not using the far superior 7zip

looks like Sarah Snyder

Just to not get the "register for full version" prompt.

Anyway, how do these companies generate benefits?

Because it is a single purpose program that is extremely basic and requires no maintenance or upkeep by a large development team

if it was cost intensive and/or valuable they would aggressively protect it

ITT: Tech illiterate retards who use winrar in 2018.
Non-fags use 7zip

sauce please kind sir

it works so why should some one switch ?

I like UI. 7zip is kinda trashy like Linux.

7 z i p you fucking norman

Corporations don't pirate software - they want easily mass-purchasable, easily install-able, reliable software. This is WinRAR. My company has paid for a license on every developers computer.

its sarah snyder, look up her instagram

>not using .tar.gz

winrar doesnt care that much if you dont buy it for your personal use. thats why they dont lock you out after the trial. They make money with companies who basically need to buy it to look professional. thats where they get their money from

What happens if you're a company who doesn't pay for the licence?
How do they find out?

fuck her and fuck you too

have a nice day

> snyder

They sue companies won don't pay for the licence.

>not using LZ4

7zip is pleb tier. winrar is where it's at.

What are the benefits

its not about finding out. companies dont want their employees to open winzip and see that shit pop up.

Rarlab is in partnership with about 40 large technology companies, Eugene Roshal - the primary inventor of the .rar format handed over property control of .rar to his elder brother so that he can focus on software and technical development in general.
Even if YOU don't pay for .rar, everyone who is an official entity: earth who packages something with it has to pay Eugene's brother, who then subsidizes Eugene's life to be a code wizard.
You can consider the WinRAR program itself as a sort of pet project that Eugene maintains at this point. A freebie for the world.

>they don't freeze their gains with lha.exe

>They make money with companies who basically need to buy it to look professional. thats where they get their money from

Makes sense. Thanks for input, as opposite to the sea of retards replying to this BUSINESS board thread about why I dont use 7zip (which I do) or such unrelated topics.

What about 7zip? how do they make money if it's free?

its not to look professional its because its highly illegal and cosidered as theft.

If you're a disgruntled employee, and report a company that is illegally using WinRAR, then winrar would be able to either coerce the company into buying legitimate licenses, or sue them.

My company has about 1500 developers + thousands of other computers, almost all with WinRar. We get a bulk purchase deal - but if we didn't and we got sued, say, $100 per copy, it would be a $300,000 hit, versus the (much less) we pay for it

Additionally, WinRar knows when it is being used past the trial period. If it sees a household has 3 or 4 copies of it running past trial, they don't care. If they see a pattern of it in specific networks, they care.

>what is open source
Jesus christ...

Well for one it's not spyware like WinRar.

>Their software is so easy to crack. I have been using the same key since ages ago and it still works.

That is why they make money. The business model is genius.
>Make WinRar.
>Give away free trial, constantly reminding you of trial
>Everyone thinks they cracked it somehow >Everyone uses winrar compression because its "free"
>Companies then have to use WinRar beacuse the compression is widespread
>Companies have to pay for license

winrar is actually free. they get profits from the small percentage of people who actually want to pay to remove the "your 40 trial has ended".

he still makes bank tho cus even if a small percentage buys it, thats pooling from million, maybe even 100's of millions of people.

That was my idea too.

Huge pool of basically donators + big companies needing the license to not look like scammers in front of employees.
