Do I focus on USD or satoshi when day trading? I think I’ve been doing this wrong all along :|
Noob question
Corecucks think they're making money by increasing their BTC holdings but their shitcoin has been in free all so they are actually losing money
never usd.
just think of it this way:
if instead of buying your shitcoin, you had just held on to your BTC/ETH/(your favoured trading pair) would have made more USD or less?
that's the only thing that matters.
did your favoured trading pair outperform your shitcoin? if so, you made a shitty trade even if you're up in fiat.
you sir are completely retarded good job on losing money in a bull market u fucking inbred
Lmao Brainlets actually think this
You could be trading off the converted usd value of a coin, but how do you know you aren't actually selling at loss each time? If something is traded against btc, the only way you will make gains be it btc gains or increasing your alt stack, you need to trade off the actual fucking value.
This market is full of so many dead shits
way less, 1000s of % less. Until you can buy land with btc, its usd atw
Satoshis, anyone that says otherwise is retarded.
Simple scenario. Your coin loses 1% in value in sats meanwhile Bitcoin gains 2% in value in usd. If you sell and get BTC, then you actually lost 1% in sats. Now imagine BTC price comes down 2% again. Guess what? You just lost 3% in value in USD.
I’m up in fiat on my trades usually I make $100 per trade but only can trade once a day when the dip is in full swing. so I should just focus on buying at low sat and selling at high sat on order to accumulate ETH(I trade in ETH usually) and then I sell the ETH for USD later? FUCK IM CONFUSED
If you have a job (or income) USD
if you are pee in mountain dew bottles then use satoshi's
Satoshis don't matter, USD doesn't matter. Buterols only matter.
if bitcoin is gold, you don't measure your USD in bullion, do you?
If you buy and sell your alts in fiat, measure in USD terms.
If you buy your alts using btc, measure gains/losses in sats
cashing out isn't something you need to concern yourself with too much when thinking about trading.
it's a final step.
all you need to care about are % gains against usd.
say you made your usual trade and made a $100, that's great - you're up against the dollar.
but what if you hadn't made that trade and just held your ether for the exact same period of time?
would you have made more or less usd?
if you would have made more while just holding eth, then the trade was pointless, right? you would have made more money doing literally nothing.
I use Eth, so sats?
So basically I should buy at low sat and sell at high sat? And then sell the ETH?
>So basically I should buy at low sat and sell at high sat?
yes. that means you outperformed your trading pair.
>And then sell the ETH?
sure, if that's what you want to do.
if you can get someone to give you cash for your shitcoin directly, you can probably save a little bit in fees but good luck getting someone to give you usd for ERC20flavourofthemonth
So your telling me if I make shit. Tons of virtual money in shitcoin I’ll never be able to get my money out in USD??
i mean, if you're holding 6,000,000 Shekels (JEW) and you want to cash out, you're probably going to have to trade that for ETH/BTC etc before cashing out.
>what if I’m not Jew
I’m confuded as shit now
>have 1 ETH
>use 1 ETH to buy 6,000,000 JEW
>JEW increases by 1000%
>sell JEW
>now have 1000 ETH
>cash out by selling ETH > USD
I’m not in this to have bags of shit coins I want bags of cash
Speak in English and not in KIKEish
But what if ETH is going down and I made more ether but was still down against the dollar?
I trade against Bitcoin because there are more coins to trade than against USD or USDT but I couldnt give a fuck about gaining ether or satoshies