Who here is literally becoming more of a stormfag by the day? I wasn't prejudice before crypto
Who here is literally becoming more of a stormfag by the day? I wasn't prejudice before crypto
if anything this should make you an anarcho-capitalist.
Hahaha only weak minded fools are susceptible to that shit.
Eventually you will see the light..
So buying into global currency developed by teams all over the world has turned you into more of a nationalist.
Right. I just hope you're not American, they have fuck all coins lol.
y tho?
How does Runescape gold and pogs make you hate jews more? I mean, don't get me wrong, I hate the jews too... but magic internet money?
>not already being a stormfag
>have a lot of money for the first time due to crypto
>the (((Fed))) wants you to be a good goy and give them their cut
>hatred for merchant intensifies
Funny how that works.
Most other races are chill i just hate women and abos (t. Ausfag)
I didnt choose crypto life, crypto life chose me
>being impressionable
tell me whats it like being a brainlet?
Join the Hoppean Ancap crew, adventure and glory waits for you.
>if you observe patterns you're stupid !
Just making me realize that just like there are whites people and white trash, or black people and niggers, there’s Jews and kikes.
hating the jews because they play the game so well? Cmon
hating niggers who don't even play the game and slave away 99% of the time? even worse
hate is for weaklings
I was a hardcore storm fag for awhile OP eventually you realize it’s a select few elite Zionist kikes manipulating the masses. Won’t lie brown people are inferior to whites but that doesn’t mean I hate all of them. It’s on a case by case basis.
Try to do anything to better yourself and you'll see Jews hindering you.
>he thinks the federal government is mostly jewish
Who do you think directs all of these shabbos goy lawmakers and policymakers to act against white interests? Hint: they have outsized influence on account of having lots of money and control of media and academia.
>implying ancaps can’t be counter semitic
user, I....
When I make it I'm gonna move up in the mountains and have a large white family and become self-sufficient.
fuck off back to /pol/ please. I don't give a fuck what you have to say unless it's about making me money. idpol is bad for business. please, please, please fuck off.
>ancap isnt a gateway to noticing (((them)))
>t. thinks the federal reserve=federal government
please be bait
the ideal ancap society can’t be realized with (((them))) taxing people to high heaven
Fascism is innately statist you dumb pieces of shit.
Wow capitalism turns people into hateful monsters who view everyone else as enemies to be conquered instead of allies to band together with.
what a surprise
really must hate those jews to be supporting their system of economics
/pol/ please fuck off back to your own board, I don't come here for le ebin jew memes.
Secretly deep down I was always a stormfag.
>Kikes in charge of international banks
>Kikes in charge of the Fed
>Kikes run American and European foreign policy costing taxpayers billions if not trillions for the countless bullshit wars
What the fuck does that have to do with statism? Are you implying that you can’t be anti-semitic and an ancap? Are you retarded?
>kikes run (((capitalism)))
obviously the best economic system though right
hey jude :D
Yeah it unironically is when you don’t have a nefarious rootless international clique that starts wars that result in the deaths of millions of innocent people
christ, have some respect.
and yea, unless you're a child or boomer, you'd have to be mentally Hill not to see jewish influence.
bruh you're just enabling the next kikes to come take over
you'll kill all the jews but the jewishness of capital will always remain
The losers in Crypto become NatSoc
The winners in Crypto become AnCap
prove me wrong.