What the FUCK is its problem?

What the FUCK is its problem?

>brb, gonna chill at 50k sats for 4 months

I've held for so long at this point I would probably kill myself if I sold and it went up

good idea, terrible execution.
i've already made 10x but missing so many real moons holding this piece of shit

Same here. Feelsbadman

ARK is a ETH tier giant
also reminder that ETH did nothing for 2 years lmao

As ccumukation is a thing. Look at xrp, look at strat, look at xlm, look at a chart zoomed out past 6hr

>he's still holding ARK

Even with the PR hire and more updates it's still not moving.

This coin and NAV are my dominatrix fantasy coins. Just coming home and looking at my portfolio and imaging all the red dildos i'll take for investing in a community-pool coin really gets my dick rock solid.

What does the ark token DO, aside from staking to make more arks?

>push button deployable blockchains.
other stuff im forgetting

AION is going to reck you faggots.

it's the 4th best performing currency today mate

Circulating Supply
77.953.424 AION
Total Supply
465.934.587 AION

> fell for the circulating supply meme
> doesn't understand pos
> posts this meme unironically

imo too much competition on the crosschain field and no big partnerships
cool name though

not to mention that ETH was sitting at ~$300 for what seemed like an eternity. the reason i believe is that ARK is not a shill coin. the devs don't hype it they just deliver on their roadmap. if they continue to do so it will be huge. patience is key when it comes to ARK, that is, if the devs deliver

>premine distribution

tell me again why the last time they "distributed" some of your shitcoin the price fucking dropped harder than a hot potato?
this system is fucking retarded m8 if youre going to PoS create the tokens over time and dont just spawn 6 gorrillion coins
but whatever

no real purpose for the coin means no investing for me!

>Only top companies allowed

every arkie feels this exact same way

What exactly does ARK do?

Ark will set you free faggots. Just hold.

m8 its next level blockchain 3.4 I will legit accumulate and baghold until I'm dying on the stairlift

Every actual usecase for it will be cucked by AION. Deluded arkies.

I miss Arkies threads.
I actually have an Ark folder.

makes you rich. check em

Months of red. The last of the deluded arkies have finally accepted their delusion and sold.

Anyone holding who was thinking of selling has sold by now. Which means almost no one left to sell into the market.

You know what happens next.

ARK is my iron hodl. No release, no surrender

>literally rolled a fucking 1 on the faucet the other day

0 real partners, community focused development

Stupid fucking faggots

Let you draw two cards

quality Post

Bought more. Thanks user