Stellar Lumens will be the number one coin by July

Strap in. Lumens are a legitimate virtual currency. You might say they are Satoshis vision personified. This is not a warning, just an informative post.

Bitcoin is done with the addition of the lightening network. Lumens WILL be the premier online currency with businesses all over the world accepting them.

Let’s go over everything that makes Stellar the premier cryptocurrency that will guide this market into a new era.

>slightly inflationary which is conducive to long term stability vs Bitcoins high volatility
>large number of total coins so they can be used to price things in normal ways (25 Lumens vs .00027453 BTC)
>Instant transaction time with NO fee
>Sleek wallet interface
>doesn’t give you autistic levels of privacy which only kiddie diddlers and political dissidents want, won’t turn normal people off
>will have a clean, easy exchange from fiat to Stellar, will be easier to use than Coinbase
>truly decentralized

Lumens will be accepted by ALL major businesses with 18 months. This is your final warning.

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I have 7k am I going to make it?

I thought OMG is ganna be the next big thing? Fuck you guys its always something new. I dont fuck with bitch niggas

This coin will never be worth more than ten dollars. Plan accordingly

I’ve never said such a heinously stupid thing.

>25 lumens vs. 00027453 btc
So basically a single lumen will never be above a dollar. Thanks for clarifying op, I almost bought some.

Suit yourself. This coin will consume the market soon enough, skyrocketing up to seven dollars and nine cents. But you’re too ignorant to see what’s right in front of you. Oh well, have fun with your play toys like Raiblocks.

Um sweetie I only invest in quality shitcoins like trx and req not gayboy shitcoins like xlm or xrb

based on what?

Think you missed the point. Most of my friends have at the minimum a bacheors degree yet they're put off investing in BTC/cryptocurrency because they find it confusing/a lot of work. Simplicity will win over the masses.

My extremely informed opinion


Yes I absolutely agreed with you, but I'm not a normie. I'll buy in closer to major news and ride the pump but this isn't a long play for me

At 10 dollars that's only a $170b marketcap, slightly below what BTC is now. That's not shooting very high in a global economy of trillions.

you know about what's happening around march? man it's hard to keep for myself

Oh, I know alright. I plan to keep it on the DL so I can continue to get these bargain bin prices.

my extremely informed opinion tells me this will have a 1 trillion market cap by 2020, so $100.

pajeets will only need .001 to send their remittance money home from working in saudi arabia.

>doesn’t give you autistic levels of privacy which only kiddie diddlers and political dissidents want, won’t turn normal people off

Lol nobody cares about these dude. Privacy was one of the main reasons bitcoin got so popular because rich/drug people bought it to hide their money from taxes and to buy drugs anonymously.

2018 is the year of XMR

hopefully they don't announce it too early. buying now feels like buying it at 450 sats a few months ago.

550k and strapped in. This rocket it taking off starting tomorrow with the Weiss ratings, then 2018 tech roadmap the next day, followed by FairX beta. Obvious moons aren’t easy to come by and here’s one on s silver platter.
I agree with everything OP said. And he’s bringing it up because XLM is going to take off very aoon

With out trying to start shit as this is a genuine question of interest.

Why is the better than XRP other than the reason

>muh ebil banks

The state cares about these things.


roadmap on the 25th. reddit cofounder endorsed it with a tweet today

lumens have an actual use and superior team behind them, as well as a strong legal and compliance aspect, something that will give them an edge on every shitcoin for adoption

fuck off and buy lumens. it's probably the biggest thing to happen to a crypto, after nailing the biggest partnership yet. stellar is going for the hat trick this year

buy now or will it dip lower?



ITT: absolute brainlets.

You realize that by 2020 we are l i t e r a l l y going to see Stellar's marketcap well beyond USD$100 trillion? Stellar will be the only coin capable of surpassing the whole planet's current valuation. This is because this coin will end up being the currency for use between the humans of planet earth and the people from other galaxies. There is a reason that SpaceX, "meteorites", "false missile warnings", and even literal UFOs have been in the news a lot lately.

But it’s the exact same. The only difference I can tell is that instead of a bank, the XLM middle man is a private money transfer company that is a stellar partner.

Ripple is big multinational companies making a transfer.
Stellar is individuals making a transfer.

>lumens have an actual use
The exact same use as XRP by the looks of things

what do you think?

What in the fuck lol

XMR is going to get shit on so hard by the feds no idea why anyone would hold it

stellar platform has all the functionalities that ethereum has but better. we will see much more icos on stellar

predicted price eoy is fucking 60 am i gonna make off that?

TRX is the gayest boyest out there weebo

lmao what a shit prediction. 183 billion mcap eoy

Who predicted that? Lnao

>same as ethereum
>ICOs on stellar

One of us brutally misunderstands what stellar is. Can you explain what you mean by this?

After the Weiss report on Wednesday, the roadmap release thursday, and the FairX release this quarter dont be suprised in XLM is trading for $5-6 towards the end of this year.

Screenshot this:
XLM will be trading $1.50-2 USD this summer at a minimum

Dont miss out

Eom price predictions?

did you read the whitepaper? or visit their website? ICOs are actually moving from ethereum to stellar. they have tons of SDKs to create smart contracts as well as prebuilt software to run services on the blockchain

All this confidence is worrying

>not being in both XLM and XMR
xlm for regular purchases, xmr for "recreation"

Holy fuck lmao thanks just bought 100k

this is lumens not some shitcoin, fucking IBM is making fairx

IBM is not, a top IBM blockchain employee however, is.

yeah ibm is working with stellar but has no hand in farix i believe


>fucking IBM is making fairx
Nope, that's been disproved


This was meant to be Bitcoin when they published it, but by the time we got to 2018, BTC was too corrupted and in the wrong hands. The plan needed a reset. XLM is that reset.

especially one they do the fair x thing

that will completely kill the coupling between bitcoins and alt coins allowing the market to move without shitcoins permission

it will be stellars market at that point

12 hour 14 minutes for (((Weiss))) ratings

still my point is it's not like some user in their basement

It's like XRP, but slightly worse.

stay poor bagholding fidget spinner

Bought in years ago. Already rich.
Stay mad.

what are you doing dump that shit lmao

I work for IBM and can confirn

One dollar and twenty-two cents

it can only stay this low for so long


before it goes lower

More XLM prophecy has been checked.

>ibm employee back again
IBM has no hand in FairX, but FairX runs on the support of Stellar which is backed by IBM. the global business services have been pushing blockchain transactions to clients
so i check my stellar wallet and i got like .0001 lumens with that address in the memo.

i'm already in an inflation pool. what is this jew trickery?


.net sorry

im scared of getting my wallet stolen.

But this is the sideways coin anons
Even with big announcements it usually just crashes after..... not too comfy

Shill me harder, or tell me to fuck off. Either one


Its, sorry.
And how are you going to get your wallet stolen by joining an inflation pool?

>founded by mt gox & ripple

Yeah, pretty sure it's trustworthy


Hey brainlets, Why did this coin crash hard after its last huge announcement? I mean everything has a correction or dip, but this went to SHIT

What stops it from happening again? This has been my bad luck coin, change my mind

Unironic question: if Stellar is able to facilitate smart contracts, how will they implement oracles? Do you think they will be compatible with Link?

>This is not a warning, just an informative post.
>This is your final warning

which the fuck is it

and fuck you. You gave no proof in your entire rambling of shit. Just "muh opinion"


i got scammed .2 btc a few weeks back and I have been paranoid as shit ever since. I am already in one that has 0 fees. Whats so good about this one?

LINK is compatible with everything. So, yes.

Pays more. That's it basically.

Stellar and Link are two completely different projects set to solve two entirely different problems. Your question is like asking, "are apples compatible with oranges?" Uhhh, I guess so? Entirely dependent on what you want to do. Keeping with the analogy, you can't make orange juice with apples.

Stellar (Lumens) is a coin and ChainLink is a token.

Ignore this shitty OP with poor form;

Please see my post for real organized shilling.


Guys, guys. XLM has found its floor, it's been there over a week. What do you have to lose going all in on this bad boy the next few days? At worst, if the market crashed, it won't dump any harder than any other alt (and will probably hold up better). And, if Weiss, roadmap, and FairX amount to anything, you're guaranteed a 2-3x in the next week.

Remember that pump at the start of january? That 3.5x? That was based on zero news whatsoever.

This pump stands to be so much bigger.

Every coin had that pump m9

It better be, you faggots

>Every coin had that pump m9
no, not every coin skyrocketed to top 10 Mcap in under 2 weeks, dont be silly

> →

Yes, I've collected and still accumulating XLMs but OP is a pajeet brainlet who makes it seem like PnD shitcoin. Your communication and presentation skills are absolute sand nigger tier, Please do us a favor and fucking kill yourself OP.

>this is not a warning
>this is your final warning

What did he mean by this?

Like the other poster said, I do think this is the floor and i've bought 10k more.

The founder is sketchy as fuck but he's going to make us rich with him.

It doesn't have the same functionality. It's a lot simpler and you can do less with it, but it's enough for many tokens that don't need all the bells and whistles.

while having none of the network lag or network costs associated with ethereum which will lead to its erosion like bitcoin

that's what i figured

just use fairx to buy your privacy coin of choice when you need to

Thinking of all those Lumens yet to be released...

If XLM devs are smart (which they are), they will gift or loan a few of those Lumens to central banks around the world in order to get "buy-in" from govts. They're gonna need good KYC compliance for FairX and ICOs on Stellar anyway.

It would be in govts interest to have a stake in a massive platform coin like this, given that the alternative is banning it which would only drive people towards decentralised exchanges that govt have zero influence over.

>puts req in same category as tron

Being this retarded.

If you seriously think Stellar is better than OMG, let alone think that it's stupid to believe OMG will be enormous, you deserve the year of pink wojaks you're about to have.

You have no fucking idea how bad of a call you're making.

Enjoy your quasi-centralized system and coin that you actually have to own and maintain a balance for just to use it.

Enjoy your retarded spam fees and complete lack of proper incentivisation.

How someone could look at these significant fault lines and not realize they're the hallmarks of bad planning and ultimately just inferior developers, I literally can't fucking understand it

> frictionless

>bots begin spam selling increments of 222 xlm to stop a green candle
>bots still get BTFO by snek

It's happening on binance. GET IN HERE