I cashed out 2 weeks ago, just before the crash. Been traveling since then, right now I’m in Cancun getting some of dat lobster.
Keep pink wojaking all the way dow to zero fags.
>pic related, it’s the view from my private villa
I cashed out 2 weeks ago, just before the crash. Been traveling since then, right now I’m in Cancun getting some of dat lobster.
Keep pink wojaking all the way dow to zero fags.
>pic related, it’s the view from my private villa
lol stay salty mindlets, keep coping tho
>crypto autist
>alone at the beach in cancun
no amount of money will ever make you less awkward user kek
crashed happened more than 2 weeks ago you larping shit lmao
>Excuse me sir,
>sir, s-sir , you gotta leave.
>"we got a 23 on section 5"
>Stinky linky refusing to pack his bags and move along
foreigners can't own land in Mexico
your renting that
Well yes I’m alone but I rather be alone in Cancun than alone in some basement “trading” some shitcoins.
Nope, not for eth you degenerate pos. I was all in eth.
Keep coping pajeet
>cashing out less than 20 million
Fairmont Mayakoba, beachfront casita. I’m not planning to live here just enjoying some of dat lobster and nice weather
>cashed out
>checking biz and the charts
u fucked mate you here forever
ok fair enough.
Watch out for mexicans scammers, you can't own land 100km from the border or 50km from the ocean by their law. Don't let anyone tell you different.
congratulations on your gains
You're alone on the beach arguing with biz autists. Maybe I should get a new hobby.
congratulations user. i hope to make it one day
LOL fag nocoiner
yeah, that's more like it
people spend money going to places like this? looks like the texas gulf coast
oh wait they're the same thing lmao
>alone in Cancun
>alone in Cancun posting on Biz
This is what it looks like when an autist tries to do Chad things but can't help but revert back to their true nature. The absolute state of biz
don't let the beans take your wallet user.
If OP isn't larping/baiting then I truly feel bad for him. It must suck to be this pathetic.
Congrats user. I also cashed out millions weeks ago and am nicely entertained by the cope in this thread.
When are you looking to reenter? Im torn about how low we will go.
I’m not looking to reenter rn, I’m thinking about some real investment, maybe tea store idk my dude.
Enjoy the cope, these plebs are entertaining.
if you say so
lol you deserve to be in that shithole you shit eating garbage bio trash
OP is basically eating his own shit and regretting selling at 1k knowing huge bull run is coming and he would make 10 times more if just HODL
Yea Im also looking into real investments with half of my fiat.
Currently thinking of buying houses to rent out and putting the rest in index funds.
It is weird though. I feel less safe putting it in the hands of some banker run fund than handling it myself on shitcoins. But Im working on learning to invest it properly. I just need 5%/year and am set for life.
Why a tea store?
OP is alone on vacation.
OP thinks he's above biz but can't escape its autism
OP wants to now invest in something real like a "tea shop"
OP is now wondering why he's even on vacation
the absolute state of biz
i live on a beachfront that is ten fucking times nicer than that. i wouldn't throw my dog's bitch in that.
>only footprints are his own
>walking around in circles on his phone waiting for (you)s
Holy shit this is unironically sad. No bitches? No friends? Wtf are you doing on the beach alone user? Jesus fucking Christ pull yourself together you faggot
pure kek
hey OP have you even dipped your little toes in the water yet? Don't worry no one's watching!
I recognize that flag..
Alright alright, that's enough circlejerking , you both now the rules.
Either you post a bankstatement or yer a larp
>goes to the most popular party spot for hot college sluts
>spends it alone
Sub 10k Portfolios detected.
Jelly faggots will never make it.
You should be asking OP with which trades he made to make it but here you are being salty nogainers that fell for the hodl meme.
t. will also go on a world tour of undefined length with the cash I made by seling the top, alone
Call it autism if you want, but he went to another fucking country alone.
That's pretty ballsy, most of you faggots only leave your basements when the piss bottles overflow.
that view looks like shit bro
I love tea, I consider myself to be a tea connoisseur. I got enough money to live comfortably and frugally for the rest of my life, so I may as well do something I’m passionate about, which is tea.
that's some newfag who cashed out his total of 6 and a half ETH in some shithole and now trying to get his superior complex going but unfortunately for him even newfags who got in last week getting paid more these days so nobody giving a flying fuck
>nobody who truly makes it goes to that cheap as fuck cartel huntground
>cashing out
U missed the whole point
>finally makes it
>goes on Veeky Forums while at the beach to talk to the only people in the world that will acknowledge him
living da life man so jealous
Yeah, it’s been rainy and windy these past few days, I’m still comfy tho.
Kek all I see is sand let's see the villa larpshit
To be honest I didn’t expect this amount of hate. I wholeheartedly hope all of you anons make it, we all have a different definition of “making it” I’m happy with my decisions, keep coping plebs, someday you will also make it.
How much was it?
The absolute autism of biz. This is what it looks like when autists begin sympathizing with each other
How about the view to the canals? It’s already dark outside.
Lmao this.
Imagine having so much money but no one to travel with and no one to show off to. He came here, made this thread and fishing for attention because he's all alone in Cancun.
>why even live
Plebs are so butt hurt to hear that people have cashed out. They don't want to accept the fact that they are bagholding. I personally made enough for a down payment on a house plus capital for a business.
t. Also will be on world tour with a comfy remote job
Not that much. Around 3k usd per night
Plebs don’t even realize how late they are. They don’t have anything but cope
lol faggot I like how you just 360 changed your tone voice to apologetic and friendly when we put your shitty realities in check
>you're just a classic poorfag who accidentally got lucky with few shitcoins yet managed to fuck up everything by getting out too early and still unable to buy any real man values like integrity, patience and wisdom
>neck yourself faggot
I call complete and utter bullshit on this entire thread. Post dick with time stamp holding up a sombrero or get the fuck out you larping sage piece of human waste. Go ahead. I'll hodl.
>no matter how rich you get you will never be a chad
feels bad
>goes to cancun
nice larp
Wtf in pesos right?
Nope, usd. Around 60k pesos
lol calling /biz plebs
>hides in $300 room from mexican cartel members in some shithole
at least you tried in cryptos buddy
This legit made me tear up for OP. Plus cancun is where normies go on vacation. Lmk when you’re balling in Tokyo or something dipshit
Keep coping pajeet.
>look at meee look at meeeeeee
>why don't you love meeeeeee
Wew lad. I sure hope the cartels don't pick you up and torture you for the private keys to your 0.5 ETH.
how much did you make from cryptos? how long holding period? why cash out already?
>he went to another fucking country alone
yes it is scary enough even leaving mom's basement let alone going to another country, ALL BY YOURSELF
This is for you OP. Please don't do anything stupid in your hotel room, like, killing yourself.
>cashing out before your crypto gains propel you into the emerging NEET Illuminati that will soon rule the world
Enjoy being drafted and dying in the waifu wars, normie.
100% kek user over here went on vacation with his parents and is larping as a millionaire LOL