Please pump

Im not at a loss
I've been holding since ico
But I see everything around me the past 3 months just pumping.
Pumping to the moon
And here I sit looking at my 10k link.
Sometimes the fud gets to me
Sometimes I think I'm going to just wagecuck my entire life until I can't move and then I get thrown into a retirement home to rot
So please link
Please pump

Other urls found in this thread:

stop being a lil bitch


Chill out. You know chainlink is a sure thing, that's why you're still holding. You're right, but it's going to take time. A year at least starting today and if you sell before then on a pump you're a fool anyway.

In the meantime, grab an eth and start chasing some short term pumps and forget about the link charts and your stack. Accept that it will take immense patience and discipline and satisfy your short-term cravings by playing with smaller amounts of other projects.

>A year at least starting today

How? Are you really planning on selling under 100usd?


Chainlink is the only coin that I am confident will 50x this year. I have no doubt.

Guys oracles will be huuuuuuuuuuuuge. Chainlink seems to be of the best options as of today, but there might be others as well so check out. Give it a few years and you shall se the transformation of society........................

Duuuuude I'm telling you! Oracles maaaan......

>Chainlink seems to be of the best options as of today, but there might be others as well so check out.

There are no others. Nothing is even on the horizon.

your loose butthole is on the horizon.

>begging to be a nolinker

Fine just sell it to us already.


Friday the US economy begins its fall.

Friday LINK begins its rocket.


*teleports behind you*

When I fuck your mother I stare into her eyes, son.

this...the other options are infants compared to Link.

You know how many closed door partnerships are already on the books. I follow Chainlink slack and they have stated multiple times that deals are made and will be announced. This is the calm before the storm.

Yeah go all in on mobius please lol

fuck yes, at $20 I can already pretty much retire in my country with my paltry 13k link

The zeppelin_os partnership alone wins it for me. Every future dApp will use Chainlink. Its positioning itself not as an app, or even as a service, but as a standard protocol for communicating information between decentralized systems. That's enormous. Every partnership to come is just gravy after that. Its going to transcend everything we know about crypto up until now.


chainlink is a P&D why do you see so many threads about it?

If something was a sure thing would you go around telling others?

>wait simply one year and live as a king in your country

You impatient bastard

Because I was around for ANS.
ANS was shilled so fucking hard
You couldnt look at biz without seeing that fucking ant.
I didnt buy because of that fucking ant when it was like 15 cents.
Now look at that ant.
$175 ant.
I will never forgive myself.
So I look at my link and hope.

I'm not gonna sell everything dumbass. Just enough to get a good PC and pay rent and stay home 24/7

LINK will be $50 by May and $200 EOY. Don't worry. You got a second chance friend.

just sell now my dude, only to see link at 30-40 USD range in few months.... you will regret this decision for the rest of your life

if its a year from now why buy now??

The funny part about biz is the best coins are shilled and fudded to death. Any amount of research will tell you LINK is going to be the biggest thing for crypto in 2018. This is the missing link needed to connect many real world products/services with the blockchain.

You all will look back and can't believe you disregarded LINK under $1.

> buy high
> sell low

stay poor Veeky Forums

you might be right. I am very sure of $50 but can't comprehend how high it will go.

you could prob get a decent price for the next few months. i bought at 1.27 cause i thought it was ganna fucking boom and i only recently found out about it, so im a salty linkie

The second an announcement is made about a release date, major partnership, testnet etc. the price will double instantly and not stop. Yea you can jump in the rocketship but it will probably be $3-4 by the time you hop in. We are talking 1st quarter here.

I bought originally around SIBOS and watched it drop. So I bought a fuckload more at the bottom.

No need to be salty. Even your $1.27 LINK will give you crazy returns. Just buy more now while its cheap instead of missing the last few weeks to load up before it explodes. There isn't months left with the updates we know about. Let alone the partnerships we don't that could get announced randomly and without warning. Come mainnet in May its going to rocket to $50.

>why buy now?
>heh got this kiddo on that point he thinks he's so smart

I'm going to go ahead and assume you haven't made it yet and don't have 20 thousand dollars to drop in one go on 20k link. Beyond that, I'll assume that you don't have a supernatural ability of prescience that would allow you to determine exactly when the best time to buy said hypothetical stack to ensure you wouldn't have to wait long for your moon.

If my assumptions are correct, it would be prudent to come up with a strategy that allows one to divert some of their income responsibly over the course of months to accrue a worthwhile amount of LINK. Buy a little now cause it's cheap. Buy a little later cause it's still cheap. Buy again and it's still cheap and... hey what do you know it's not so cheap anymore - good thing I was smart with my money and accumulated in a way that was risk adverse and still allowed me to gather enough to ride this moon mission comfortably!

Get it?

Yup. Q1 ends at the end of March. Between now and then we have:

- Go code release + testnet
- Sergey speaks at Super Bitcoin Conference
- Sergey speaks at SXSW with founder of Docusign about smart contracts getting rid of lawyers

Then in Q2 we should have:
- marketing hire onboarded
- mainnet released
- arms race for establishing Chainlink nodes as authorities for data feeds

I also suspect we'll see Chainlink get a nod during the Fourth Industrial Revolution talk on Friday, but that's speculation.

Why would it pump? Tell me. What fucking reason does it have to pump? I'm all in myself and I don't give a shit if it isn't moving because I'm not expecting it to do shit until it actually has a reason to. Start worrying if it still isn't doing anything in three months.

What country are you in?

yes user it's a 6 month long pump and dump. get your head checked.


Thanks user
That really put things in perspective for me

Jed McCaleb CIA... Bane?

dont retire in your country then dumb fuck, retire in a richer country

*shits in your street*

I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself when I’m rich, Veeky Forums. I think I might become the boredest man in the world.

hookers and blow never gets old user

You will never defeat me Sergey!

help save the world from (((interest rates and inflation))) like the rest of us

HODL til the end. Add to it.

why the fuck would I want to leave my safe nigger-free muslim-free cheap to live in country?

>The zeppelin_os partnership
where can I read about this? how do I go into the link slack?

this is a long hold when this thing explodes this year, can you imagine what the price will be next year? (around $1k)

we'll see about that money skeleton!

I really believe assblaster's price targets are extremely accurate.

$10-20 after testnet
Big spike to $50-70
Fall and consolidate to $10-20+ again
Move to $100-200 over several months.

I really hope this happens. I could sell and rebuy after a spike to 3-6x my stack.

10-20 after testnet lol, never

assblaster post 1/?

Don’t worry he’s helping to pump

God damn everyone pumping this coin is so fucking sad. Clearly you've never worked in tech or understand how running a business works. They have a garbage team and can't execute. Their partnerships are fluff and won't reflect an increase in price. Everyone hyping this coin actually sounds poor, it's utterly pathetic.

test net is already up and running guys...

what the fuck?

Not blockchain agnostic.

deport this bean.

I don't want to believe, I'm always shit at selling peaks just moon forever god fucking damnit


Needs bigger McManboobs

Oh god why?
That guy is going to be a millionaire one day.

I don't think this was really him

You better believe it. I've spoken to someone who claims to have insider info (can't confirm) and won't stfu about Link. Says $50+ by the end of March. $10-20 is a pretty fair valuation imo.

Unless we cyber bully him

For Slack, email them here: [email protected]

Ahhh sell it all

what paradise do you live in user?

Thank you my fellow linkie.

Have they released the zap tokens yet or are they still working on that?

thoughts on sgx being pwnd re: CL? researchers confirmed that sgx enclaves are vulnerable to spectre/meltdown

What are some other gems Veeky Forums talks about, RLC?

There is no gem like LINK. At least, not that I'm aware of.

REQ is a good option, and it's down like 50% from it's ath, a good time to buy.

>What is the status on the oracle question? Is Request Network going to be using a decentralized oracle network like ChainLink or a centralized one like Oraclize? Is there any reason why Request wouldn’t go with decentralized oracles?

>Oracle security is really important. At the moment ChainLink decentralized oracles seem like a good solution. We are in regular contact with them.

I'm a pentester, Spectre is a problem. Meltdown has been patched, and doesn't affect sgx.

Unfortunately, it's currently up in the air what the Spectre mitigations will be in the general case, but I would not worry about it too much. Every good kernel and hardware engineer is working to fix and mitigate spectre, and I would be confident that by the time main-net is ready, they will have completely solved the problem.

nice timestamp user


Oh shut it. You fell for the discord groups schemes. They know if Veeky Forums’s “unanimous user influence”, and they use it to its highest extent. Give it rest buddy. A year from now, LINK is going to be $2.02. The only reason it went up a bit is thanks to the dreamers who felt for our shit.

If you want to know more our discord is:


>Meanwhile in 2016
>Ethereum will never break $10

I remember fudsters trying to get my to sell my bitcorn saying it will never reach $5. They will have to pry my stinkies from my cold dead hands.

Most LINK holders appear to be the ones who fell for the constant Ethereum FUD and sold at $10-15.

Never again.


Can't tell if this is brilliant fud or not

only have 1.7k LINK

will I make it anons?

VR, jrpgs, shopping, travel, fine dining, the list goes on

Mebbe Idk if we're all delusional and too optimistic or biz is onto something big again

I feel it..

is 100k eoy making it?

Sergay is my room mate and he told me he is renaming it BrappCash

>tfw I panic traded my ANS 1 or 2 weeks before the brand/name change


Partake in deadly subversion strategies that may result in you committing suicide via 2 bullets in the back of the head.
I would fucking love to make a mass propaganda campaign undermining government fiat

That is just the stuff we know about. Any other conferences, parnership announcements and exchange listings are unknown. LINK will be huge in 2018.

This. I'm right here with you brother so don't feel too bad, we're not alone. ANT was so deceptive, we (as in the idiots who didn't realize its potential) saw a stupid fucking ANT and looked right past it.

Keep in mind that ANT/NEO has had a fucking wild ride to get to where it is now. When it first had its bull run up to $50 it was pretty short lived and it went as low as $17. Some people would have had a hard time holding on to those bags. But for the people who held tight or started accumulating at $17, you guys are laughing now.

fucking ANT.

i could have retired by now if i just listened to one of the shills and did my homework. not making the same mistake with LINK