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Mans a genius
He looks so fucking dumb in that picture
i swear all smiling black people look dumb as shit
>I took Satoshi's vision took it as payment from you cucks
>Then the normies came and bought it for billions, what the fuck?
" i don't smile a lot, cuz ain't nothin pretty"
-50 cent
wtf this fucking nigger cant lose
50 Cent doesn't even have formal education, but he really is /ourguy/. He was literally born to be a businessman, he turns simple acts into mad dosh, he has that business mindset.
I really like the guy. Based.
He was a drug kingpin in new york, he undestands the value of cryptocurrency
I don't talk that rich shit, but nigga I'm filthy
He’s actually pretty smart, I was following him after the vitamin water deal. Still went bankrupt though.
And still a nigger.
He was bankrupt a couple years ago
my boy 4680 satoshi
>made millions
He basically filed bankruptcy so he can fuck over his leeching baby momma. This guy cant lose.
Retards hating don't realize that this IS the positive news WE NEED for another bull run. BCC kinda fucked the market up.
dude he got a nine figure deal from selling vitamin water. theres no fucking way hes bankrupt
50 knows about (((them))) I hate the muh based black guy bullshit but god damn i’ll make an exception
He leaked some sex video of a slut
She tried to sue him
He filed for bankruptcy
Fiddy cent is a fucking G, he ain't ever let himself be in a position where his money could be taken
nah he declared bankruptcy to get out of paying alimony or something of the sort
he conciously sold his album for bitcoin in 2014 then kept his coins safe. how is this 'accidental' lol.
I saw this on normiebook
Purely did it out of spite to avoid paying his ex and another bitch he lost lawsuits too
Ended up putting lawsuits on the legal team that lost and won and they had to pay the money he owed lmao
He had some hard times tho
we be eating tho!
I know Veeky Forums hates niggers but you guys gotta understand 50 is the fucking man. No question.
yea i respect 50 cent. I used to listen to his 2003 album all the time in high school. hes honestly either super fucking lucky or smart as fuck
Based Fiddy
Formal education meaning what, exactly? He didn't go through government brainwashing camps from K-12 and get scammed into a college education?
Insults cannot stop me; I have 3 degrees.
Is there anything BBC can’t do? No wonder white women flock to them.
I hope this is true and I wont even verify, it's just too good
so was Donald Trump, look how he's doin.
how his grandma do him dirty like that tho
>he declared bankruptcy to get out of playing alimony
pure Veeky Forums
No he wasn't, probably sold on the corner until he became successful as a rap artist.
Anyone you hear rapping about selling or dealing is more than likely playing the role. True drugkingpins keep a low profile until they launder out into more legitimate ventures. (Which I guess could be a record label)
This. Fifty is low key on that big brain big stacks Veeky Forums level.
Fucking love 50. His songs are great and he's got a chad Veeky Forums mindset to business.
new money skelly?
You don't understand. Most rappers just make shit up. But 50 really lived that life. 50 was rich before he was making music
Since he is still relevant, not broke, and not dead. He's pretty smart for a rapper.
was it autism?
hes pretty smart from a young age, theres an old as fuck vid of him talking on a balcony about how you only get as far as the people you talk to for no reason, meaning if during times when you "chill" with people you do fuck all, you aint gonna make it. if you chill with people who constantly tell you new information/enhance yourself, youll make it.
50 has been /our guy/ for a lot longer than you think.
Read the title of his debut album. Respect it.
I didn't knew that
mad respect
He was bankrupt a few years ago too. Good for him, he bix nood mofugga got some mofuggin moneys man.
he went bankrupt on purpose to fuck over some thot who was trying to sue him
He fucked Chelsea Handler
He had a group of workers. When the kingpin got out of jail 50 didn't do as the kingpin said and also beat up ja rule who was the kindpins attempt to legitimize himself thus 50 was famously shot 9x in retaliation. That started the war between 50s group "gunit" and the kingpins group + music industry partners and in the midst of all this Eminem hears about him and signs him the rest is history
Biz negro exception and an example
I love 50 cent too. GRODT was one of my favorite rap albums ever. His biography is pretty great too. I say, my favorite stunt was him endorsing vitamin water. he was like
"water. its something you need"
nicce bait faggot.
this was for a movie role he did with mathhew mcaughnaey
>Throughout the latter half of 2015, rapper and businessman 50 Cent proudly advertised how broke he was. Perhaps to make light of a bad situation, or maybe to buck some of the wealth-obsessed trends in hip-hop, he posted pictures of himself spelling "Broke" in $100 bills and lounging on beds of cash. His message was, shall we say, mixed.
>So is Curtis James Jackson III, who at one point was worth more than $150 million, actually broke? Did he blow it all on an extravagant lifestyle and that $7 million lawsuit over a leaked sex tape and that $17 million lawsuit over janky headphones? In late February, a judge who was reasonably confused by the whole situation, ordered 50 Cent to explain why the hell he declared bankruptcy. Well, it turns out, no, he's not broke at all. In fact, 50 Cent is very, very far from broke.
>According to court documents obtained by The Daily Mail, 50 has more than $64 million in assets and property and more than $10 million in checking and brokerage, and his businesses are collectively worth more than $44 million. To save you from adding up all those zeros, the answer is that 50 Cent has lots of money—more money than you or I could ever hope to make in our entire lives. Which means he's most definitely not broke.
50 endorses xtrabytes, this is the new meme
50 actually seems like a very cool guy desu. Remember when he hung out with pruane2forever?
50 needs to make his own coin.
the fiddycoin
This nigger legitimately sold his soul to the devil.
>Gets shot 9 times, survives.
>Can't rap, gets picked up and endorsed at the height of Aftermath records - uses shooting to get massive publicity.
>Buys a stake in some sugary water drink called vitamin water - Coca Cola buys it, dude makes almost 100 million.
>Nigger gon' nig, loses it all. Sells last album for bitcoin - price skyrockets.
Next thing you'll hear about him is that he buys up Link and becomes a billionaire.
50 endorses xtrabytes
shit i forgot about that. pruane was like 15.
I met him randomly in vegas. He actually stopped and talked to me for so long I was the one who had to end the convo and go. Spoke for a good 8-10 minutes in MGM
Say what you want about this dude but honestly I have NEVER heard a negative thing about him in terms of business decisions
Face it, Veeky Forums....you don't have to like the man. I damn sure don't. But I admit he generally makes great business decisions
he won me over when he was shoveling snow for cash
i used to do that every winter when i lived in PA
I remember back in my adolescence during the mid 2000s where I listened to this album nonstop.
50 is a snitch and that's why he was shot not some LARP he made up for street cred.
>Next thing you'll hear about him is that he buys up Link and becomes a billionaire.
time to buy more LINK
nice FUD
If I remember correctly that was Rick Ross' baby mama ex-girlfriend
He did it while feuding with Ross but it backfired a bit
One of the few unwise moves he made...he should have realized that woman was gonna try to get paid over that. Still got a great mind for business, though
>itt: le based nigger
He’s worth over 150 Million and is a top 4 net worth for hip hop artists...considering Jay Z and Dr Dre are in that list, that’s nothing to scoff at.
>gets shot in the face
>lands a record deal to make shit music
>nogs and wiggers slobber on his dick
>senses his popularity diminishing
>instead of nogging his gains away he goes balls deep into Vitamin water... it goes parabolic
>doesn’t stop there... accepts BTC as payment for his content.
>BTC goes parabolic
This isn’t your garden variety nogs to riches story... he has the Midas touch.
good. the ghetto would be alot less ghetto if there was no "snitches get stitches" culture. i bet all those niggers 50 ran with back in the day are either in prison, dead, or on crack. its survival of the fittest out there.
>me when my crypto networth hits 10k
Snitching entails paper work there is no paperwork for him snitching to reduce a sentence. He was shot for not listening and leaving the kingpins legitimate money alone (ja rule). This has been verified by the top men in the kingpin's team and the kingpin himself. Stop believing rappers user.
Modern day Timothy Dexter
>People jokingly told him to "ship coal to Newcastle". He did so during a miners' strike at the time, and his cargo was sold at a premium.[4][5] At another time, practical jokers told him he could make money shipping gloves to the South Sea Islands. His ships arrived there in time to sell the gloves to Portuguese boats on their way to China.[4]
wtf I love Effen vodka now
50 confirmed autistic business genius ... damn.. never judge a book by its cover, lads.
he's a smart guy. not "smart for a black guy". just plain smart. i've never heard any of his music. tons of respect for not allowing himself to be pigeonholed.
Holy shit I bet those guys that gave him advice wanted to kill themselves
>At age 50, Dexter authored A Pickle for the Knowing Ones or Plain Truth in a Homespun Dress, in which he complained about politicians, the clergy, and his wife. The book contained 8,847 words and 33,864 letters, but without punctuation and seemingly random capitalization. Dexter initially handed his book out for free, but it became popular and was reprinted eight times.[2] In the second edition, Dexter added an extra page which consisted of 13 lines of punctuation marks with the instructions that readers could distribute them as they pleased.
Fuck I love eccentric dudes like this who are always at the right place at the right time and make a killing subverting peoples expectations.
ITT: people who don't know there's different types of bankruptcy.
Fitty declared chapter 12 bankruptcy which means he didn't have enough LIQUID CASH to settle his debts, he still had millions in assets. Chapter 7 is when you don't have enough of anything - cash or assets - to settle your debts
It's really sad how up until a few days ago they were still feuding and badmouthing one another
I get that 50 destroyed Ja's career so of course that'll be long-lasting bad blood afterwards.....but come on. These dudes are in their 40s now and past their prime. Only WWE feuds are supposed to last that long
thread theme
>thay may pepper and salt it as they please
guy was gangster as fuck
just like how many people don't realize bankruptcy is a valid business tack
Nigs gonn nig
No one gets out of 5 year stint after doing 6 months without rolling.
it's funny because it's true
Dexter faked his own death to see how people would react. About 3,000 people attended Dexter's mockwake. Dexter did not see his wife cry, and after he revealed the hoax, hecanedher for not grieving his death sufficiently
He's definitely autistic lol I could tell quickly while taking to him. I guess seeing people get shot and your mom killed when you're that young turns you autistic or into batman
When LINK goes over $5