so it begins
was gonna come in to call you a faggot but you're actually right
oh rook
another ponzi thread
good ruck retard
23k reporting in, this will unironically make me a millionaire EOY
What a surprise. It's almost like they are going to announce officially that DNV-GL will be using VeChain for the back end for their entire operation and certification system and integrate them with customers as much as possible in addition to a bunch of companies they are already using VeChain.
we're still down from ATH. don't get too excited
>As soon as thread appears telling people to get in, the dump starts
Hey guys i finally understand this board
Its time for $10...then $20...then $30....
unironically this
I'm not retarded, that's why I'm also in XLM and some smaller shitcoin ICOs
which ones? i'm in payfair and opus
people taking profits, it's already recharging you massive faggot, if you are not already in VEN you will never make it, chase your etherhorses or whatever TRX delivers
napoleonx and ignite ratings, opus and payfair seem legit as well, didn't want to liquidate too much tho
yup we dumping
napoleonx doesn't let amerifats into the ico so i didn't bother
nuh ven is getting pnd rn. You buy you lose. bitcoin will fall to 8k tonight and ven gonna fall somewhere between 65k & 70k
Hahahaha I wonder if there was anyone who actually believed all the FUD that was circulating today and yesterday
You'd be surprised at what these fucking biztards actually believe
VEN brah here, standing by. lets see where this goes.
price is already dipping
Massive sell walls in place. You must be new to this.
1k venlet here I'll never make it
ofc you will, this will reach at least 500$ in 2019
I know that feel bro
But maybe we will. Chink tech overlords might take us places.
im sitting on 291
I started with $10k and I am now at $250k, don't give up and make good decisions. You may not make it with VEN, but there will be other opportunities if you keep your eyes peeled.
Rooting for you VEN brahs.
sell order 80k
buy order 60k
lets go
I've got about 550. I'm gonna make it (relatively).
Same here bro., started with 10k and just passed $350k holding mostly DRGN and VEN with some NEO and ICX. 25k DRGN and 11k VEN hoping for 1 mil. this year.
I'm all in and it's only 40 ven
Appreciate it man, my other holdings aren't much 100 icx, 100 xrb and like 400bnty looking for something else to jump into before it takes off to help me get there. Can't complain to much got into ven in the $2 range
>it's a VEN pumps out of nowhere episode
The best kind of episode
not OP but i am new to this. what does sell walls in place mean for growth?
They hinder growth
>every crypto is a ponzi
Thank you for making sure the world knows you're not just another one of those blind sheep, Reddit.
You can go back now. Any time. Preferably now. Try not to slit your fucking wrists on anything sharp before you go.
its pumping cuz of the DNV GL announcement + live stream tomorrow dummy
they suppress price so that it doesn't grow to fast. this can happen for two reasons:
1) it's because people with a lot of a coin want to accumulate more of said coin, so they put up sell walls to encourage people to either panic sell or sell below their sell wall so they can snap up smaller orders
2) because rapid price increases leads to instability and crashes. people will pull their positions out of this coin. so rather than allowing parabolic growth, they allow slow, steady growth over time
Thanks for that, I've been reading up on them a bit, just trying to get a broader understanding.
Will this dip back below .0080?
waltfags get btfo'd
>those buy orders