Why Do You Listen To Clif High Veeky Forums?

Shouldn't you listen to someone who is more financially savvy like Warren Buffet?

If I listened to this faggot I would have missed the winter alt run.

Just look up Warren Buffet's opinion of Amazon, Google and other tech companies when they first started

what did he say?

im wondering if anyone knows failed crypto predictions? surely there must be some by now

this psychotic old man is always wrong

He said it was a fad.

He literally only last year, 2017, that he was "probably wrong" about Amazon.

And iphones, also a fad.

he makes money by selling made up bullshit

>He said it was a fad.
What? never heard him say alts were a fad. Let me guess you are too poor for his reports. He says we are about to go on another alt run in the spring. I'm just go ahead and assume you are a faggot and dismiss everything you say.

Talking about buffet user

Fucking kek, my sides though...

I need Clif to be right cause I'll be fucking rich, like really, if his calls are good as they have been up to this point.

>has the self proclaimed power to predict markets like a psychic
>not in the top 1000 richest people on the planet
>spends his days posting on twitter
>sells ebooks for a living

okay lmao

I like his writeups.

He has a cult-like following.

Does anyone know

Does anyone know what is Web-bot's algorithm? How does it make these predictions?

If you made me money I'd like you too.

No idea. I just have read a few of his leaked PDFs.

He's made some unreal calls and some wrong ones. He admits he's not always right, and I'm still bagholding physical silver thanks to him. It's hard to be mad when his crypto calls have helped me turn $3k into $600k in about a year.


Where can I get the leaks? Can't pay 99 USD until XLM makes me rich overnight

Yo this is Anons bug brother u better tell him were 2 find these PDFs, see??