Last chance for 8 buck VEN

last chance for 8 buck VEN

ready for 55x mission

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Replace Vader's face with Xi Jinping and one of the stormtroopers faces to Jim Breyer

um im in the #carTEL but thank you no thanks

Just be ready to sell at the top when it dumps after the AMA tomorrow.

there is no AMA and we already had the correction

sad to be you who probably never gets to buy because you are always waiting for your poor evaluation

just watch

How many women woke you up in your golden lambo bazingaguy?

im very sorry but everyone is bracing for inpact. weiss ratings will tell Bitcoin is shit and then everything will dip for a bit, VEN too.

lmfao 59$ max in 5 years. have fun with ur shit coin

We can have both user


It's down 25% from ATH and has been building support for weeks.

It's at 8.10 or .0084. Will this dip below 8.00 or .0080? I'm looking to buy a few hundred and trying to make a call.

Fuck... wrong thread.

Also, I know that there's an announcement tomorrow with DNV.

it's priced in already

My body is ready for the big fat green dildo that I'm about to receive.
Pic related.

just wait until they reveal the extent of their partnership, trust me this shit is nowhere near priced in

VEN announcement is going to be huge.

$10 within 10 hours.

oh god, you're such a brainlet that I want you to get hit by a truck and die

The announcement is going to be underwhelming and the price will tank... Will break ATH a couple weeks after that probably

DNV GL has been hyping the event. So I highly doubt it. Plus this.

We are going to get the exact details of all of that.

Oh you haven't heard? VeChain is going to be used in a popular asian variety store chain.
There you go. Now sell at the top during the event so you don't get dumped on.

The event is in less than twelve hours. I'm going to screenshot this and copy the thread if it isn't still up when it happens.

Note I also bought in sub 10K so It's impossible to actually dump on me.

Delusional cuck gonna get btfo later. Must have joined only recently.

I sold my stack last night at ATH and went into Stellar...
You owe it to yourself to at least watch the chart during the event.

Make no mistake I'm selling 10% of my stack at whatever I think the high is for the inevitable dip after the big green dildo that happens but I know it's going to go right back up after the dip.

How many bongs till the announcement?

Don't do drugs

About 15 bings and 9 bongs until the press event.

GTFO fucking newfag


VEN gets its "D-" rating in 9 hours

Drugs are illegal

I would quite frankly be amazed if VeChain was even rated.

It's #20 in market cap. It'd be weird if it wasn't.

The might do top 20...

I'm assuming they did the ratings weeks ago rather than right now before they release them.

Weeks ago nobody knew what VeChain was.

Good point.

Think about what VeChain's rating would be if it was rated. Does it deserve an A when there are so many other projects which have been around much longer and have fully-fledged ecosystems?
VeChain is still a baby... do babies get A's? There will be many unchecked boxes for Ven in its current state. What do you think will happen to the price, compounded with the underwhelming news from tomorrow?

I think it's not going to be rated or it will be rated highly if it is. You can make whatever vague statements you want but their connections, backing and customers are first class even if their public chain isn't up.


Morons think that it'll moon and stay up there, you hodl pussies will ride the wave back down a few dollars until you wait for the next moon.

Also i am a prediction master, i have 0 training and skills in it but i'm just not a retard like most here.

Ven will be lucky to ever pass $80

It is a great coin, but unless it pulls a ridiculous amount of hype and pump that doesn't stop it won't turn into ETH. Those days are over.

There's a general issue with people becoming emotionally attached to coins. Can't see the obvious truth in front of them.

What do you think is a reasonable price timeline?

You autist. Do some research.

Ven just completed a disaster recovery audit by PwC. Literally one of the few coins deserving of an A rating.

Dude. Do youself a favor and learn TA so you can see the tops... price predictions are useless and result in unnecessary bag holding. The top is not known until it's already happened.

And how many disaster recovery audits has PwC done on crypto projects exactly? What is the failure rate? Oh wait, PwC is partnered with VeChain? Oh wow, they passed! You're deluded man. Sell at the top during the event or you will be sorry.

>mfw yesterday's salty walty fudding allowed me to buy more at a discount

You are more emotionally invested into VeChain than the people holding it.

I have been reading all I can about this and I haven't seen this leaked anywhere. Are you claiming to have an insider source or have I missed something?

It's not an insider source. They said a few weeks back that their partnership with DNV led to them partnering with an Asian store with 24K locations.

It's something you only know if you spent a lot of time reading about VeChain.

haha, no... just trying to help people see the other side. I sold my bags last night at ATH which I bought in december for very nice gains. Bought into XLM. Might come back to VEN afterwards if it makes sense.
I have seen enough of these live events to know that anything short of the best news possible will result in a dump.

These fuds are pathetic not even trying anymore

I honestly thought it was common knowledge at this point

>Constantly references he solds his bags at the ATH and also bought at the lowest point possible and moved into another coin
Yeah I somehow doubt you ever actually held any.

You are trying to hard to show off you are a master trader while being disingenuous about what is going to happen tomorrow. Your whole talk about how VeChain was a baby and going to be rated as such really gave you away.

Oh, right. I had totally forgotten that was a thing. Thanks for jogging my memory.

Just watch what happens tomorrow

Oh ok you're just telling us to help, not because you don't want to see it keep going up without you right? Thx for telling us you're in XLM too, to help us of course.

I will and I will post screenshots of this very thread.

Great... not sure what the point of that is.

>trading a news event when you faggots are all in the green

gambling degens, all of you

>Because other coins' events and announcements have been underwhelming VeChains' will too.
GTFO with your bullshit. I bet you spend more time making Vechain fud threads to 'help' and posting in VEN threads than you actually spend in XLM threads.

i cant tell if you're a fucking moron of you're trolling

who here gonna dump their bags on the fomo fags when the event happens?

Literally, the only enterprise coin with partners lined up to use them.

Very soon crypto will have a new champion.. a champion of real enterprise and real world. It's going to destroy shitcoin pumps because it will be a real pump. It makes ETH look way behind. NEO? Puleeze.

>tfw you dump and it keeps rising

timing is everything and i'm going to fuck it up, somehow kek

this much ignorant FUD means Vechain is 100 by spring.

Big if true

Vechain has been around since 2015 dumbfuck

Shit is getting shilled everywhere, its obviously being pushed by a discord. I fell for the meme and bought in around 9$ when the hype peacked and end up dumping at 7$. This thing will be 2$ by Friday, sell at a loss if you have to just get out

Lmao kys

I bought around 80 too so it was a good size investment (nearly 1K usd). The loss was small compared to whats coming i would get out while you have the chance

HAHAHAHAHAHa I hope you actually kill yourself. You forgot to change your VPN Pajeet.

>thinks a discord can pump a 2bil market cap coin
>buys ath
>panic sells at the lowest possible point
>trades on $ amount

get the fuck out of here you retard, you know nothing about crypto

It will come down soon theres not enough people buying and you cant sell it anywhere?? Only one exchange in Australia lists it.

>you cant sell it anywhere
>it will come down


Yeah i agree. It cant be sold so it has to come down?

....just wow.... you invested based off a meme at ATH and didnt actually research Vechain at all?

>not being all in DBC

Ive made a lot of investments before and I've never lost any, but this is different i had to get out. The loss margin is 4-5X that of any other coins for sale. It screams "SCAM SCAM SCAM". I'm just trying to keep us safe i dont want anyone to loss there money.

topkek at people scrambling to fud VEN. Just buy in now, friends. Otherwise prepare to be severely disappointed if you're expecting a dump after tomorrow's conference. these pajeets, not sending their best

0/10 please kys

Shit tier bait. Kek

omg hes a master trader guys! LISTEN UP

>hes never wrong
>hes just keeping us safe
>get a grip

That sellwall tho

I was wondering how long it would last, anyway boys long live Sunny Luu, I'll be shitposting in some other Ven threads.


yfw it's already priced in :)
Only complete normie fags don't know about tomorrow

There's solid walls all the way up to 90k sats

Fucking retard that’s a prediction for natural growth and doesn’t take announcements and future changes into account. You’re gonna be poor forever not reading small print and end up giving me your money pajeet

reminder that VEN developers will let it drop in price for a week before new announcements because they control the price and will want it to look stable and not like a giant bubble.

How the fuck did I miss this coin. I'm in. Spend too much time on focusing on link.

Sorry, already enlisted in the Stellar Marines.

Former 40 man team member here. Warning you that this is a scam coin. A female team member asked sunny when he would have a working wallet ready. He pulled his pants down and said, "below me bitch." Made everyone in the room watch. As he was finishing he yelled THOR POWER. Then pulled his pants up and acted like nothing happened. I watched him call jim breyer and offer him a million coins to "advise" this project. All these "partnerships" were just paid vechain tokens to act as partners to make people think the project was legit. All the paid shilling on here and reddit. All leading up to the hype of the rebrand. That is when vechain and the "partners" dump the bags on you and exit scam. You think they are gonna let you and all the normies make it? Lmao don't say i didn't warn you biz.

$100 eod?
i want to dump this shitcoin asap after that mess with the ceo

Get in. It's about to go on the biggest run since ETH and bigger than NEO

thanks, just bought 100k

Unironically this has been fairly accurate so far, and its not even fud. I mean another ath within a fortnight is great for stable growth