Why are black people so bad at cryptos?

why are black people so bad at cryptos?

they fall for scams and memes because another black person told them about it

The correct term is nigger skinned subhuman.

Same reason theyre bad at engineering, science, maths and just about everything else that requires a brain

>theyre fucking stupid

low IQ

I gained close to 6 figs in 2017.
That's racist!
But I have 2 sci degrees.


I'm black. I'm so tired of you racist shitheads on this board.

Why does everything here have to be racist? Does being an asshole make you feel better?

I just ignore it though because y'all are making me rich.

they invest in real products with real public interest instead of posting memes and shills

That Ian guy has more money in crypto than every /pol/ refugee on this board

found the niggers

They aren't.
I bet you were thinking about thugs. You might as well have asked "why is trailer park trash bad at cryptos".


Worked out really well for all the mighty black kangz lmao

I mean, if you put 1 btc into the bcc ico you would be millionaire right now

and yet they managed to lose tens of thousands of dollars. Not exactly helping the argument that they are savvy investors

They have lower IQs, on average. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t idiots of every race or a certain race should be disrespected but any person who is objective knows that blacks on average have lower mental capacities when compared to whites just like whites on average have lower IQs than E Asians or Ashkenazi Jews. Sorry, hardheaded niggers and leftists, it’s the scientific truth and up until about 20 years ago, no one of any scholastic merit would have argued otherwise.

White people put money into bitconnect as well mate

Jew's don't have higher IQ's than whites. Your ability to scam people does not correlate to a higher IQ.

Just like the Chinese that fell for the TRX meme, believing shitcoin holds it's value over tweets.
Just like the whites that do nothing but follow their masters on Twitter, like McAfee, and act like they're making the right decisions. Good luck with XVG hitting 5 bucks

Lame ass honkeys think we aren't making coin just like every other street shitter in here. Seriously?

I can't wait until I double my value and get a lambo. I'll rev it next to every Honkey that I see while my PAWG laughs at your ass.


Lol OP you mad I'm black and up 20000% in 4 months? Dumb people are bad at crypto dumbass


Hey retard, I'm saying that if you bought the bcc ico (at 50 cents) and got early into the Ponzi you would be rich right fucking now. Bcc went up to 450$.
Doesn't matter if you're black yellow white no one cares go gtfo back to pol.

To be fair, IQ doesn't inherently correlate with any ability whatsoever

This is compounded by backstabbing.

Nah, but it's a VERY useful skill.

Are blacks just a meme?

Nice nigger. I'm head chef at Wendy's Hamburger Cafe making 350k a year and I have a 12 inch dick and a 9 figure portfolio.

pick one

The worst meme