How many hours until this rating bullshit?

I'm sure this jews that know nothing about cryptocurrencies are going to crash the market again with their silly ratings.

They'll probably save the master Jew coins like Ripple, his cousing Stellar Lumen, maybe Ethereum and few other coins.

I heard about a countdown but I can't find any countdown on , do you guys know?

Other urls found in this thread:

Crash what market? Give value to coins other than BTC? Coin's some investor would have never touched without some sort of vetting process?

This is the best thing to happen to crypto in a while.

My uncle works there and gave me the lowdown on tomorrow report:

Screenshotting this just to check later.
>jewcoin is the highest rated

>btc f
>neo f
nice larp

lol you realize there is no F in financial ratings right? unlike your middle school.

shit man, can they at least wait till friday before telling normies that eth is the only coin worth anything?

Someone said 12 hours a couple hours ago

It's not even larping, it's actual mental retardation.

Are you sure that those aren't grades from your school report, brah?

>give value to coins
their purpouse is to "cut the hype and identify the FEW truly solid" coins, it will be a bloodbath and they won't even take the risk to give high rates. Absolutely no A, even B for a cryptocurrencies would already be a great rating.
>other than Bitcoin
implying they would give value to BTC rather than rating it as slow, expensive & PnD coin.

Thanks, found the countdown, it wasn't showing on mobile.

Ratings released in 4 hours, check the website.

Anyway the ratings go from A+ to E-

Or you don't know the alphabet and skipped a letter or you're larping, but I wouldn't even be surprised if those are the real ratings.

Nah the Jews literally made a new rating just to fuck with BTC

Any coins rated well will probably moon hard, be ready for this anons.


And then, btc A+. Because of LN incomming.

Jews tricks them into shorting btc and they already in long since 9XXX.

The dream.

Google is an A- on their rating scale. Sure BTC is going to get an A+ lol.

Just lmao if you think they waited until 9k to buy in (unlike most biz pajeets). Those fucking kikes have been accumulating since 3k.
“Oy vey the goyim have found a path to financial independence, it’s annudah shoah! How do we control this, let’s crash it, buy it all up when they panic sell, then make them buy it back at higher prices! How much for one of those bitscoins anyway? 20 thousand dollars!!? I can’t believe they want 12 thousand dollars for a digital car wash token! Have they forgotten the holocaust? How are we poor persecuted Chosen supposed to afford 8 thousand dollars for a coin? Call Moshe, he can get us a good deal and we won’t have to pay 4 thousand whole dollars for some goy scam!”

i hope the jews leave their name with the rating

The ratings would be based on a model that analyzes thousands of data points on each coin's technology, usage, and trading patterns, the agency said.

Pretty sure ETH will be the highest rated coin based on this criteria. This will be the catalyst for the great flippening


My dad works at Bitcoin and he gave me 100k of the secret new coin that isnt even out yet. suck on that fag

1/24/18 @ 9 AM GMT -5


Only crypto morons like OP think the rest of the financial world has countdowns

>yfw Dogecoin is A+

the ratings arent really coming out at fucking 4 am are they est

Well this surely won't backfire. I guess they had to come up with something new after every country already banned crypto five times.

Nigga check their website, 8 hours and 39 minutes.

I might be drunk but I read 4 hours when I last checked.

What will FUN be rated guys?

But C stands for Chad in our personal ratings, so no worry.
Tron and Verge are J (for JUST) ratings.

Do you know how to fucking visit their website or what pajeet

It has a countdown literally at the top

dont call me a pajeet, im just a brainlet. it literally says 4 am when i visit it, maybe i have premium access

If their plan is to stifle crypto then they’ll just give everything a harsh rating across the board.

I don’t think there will be any as if any

IMO they give everything a shit rating scare people off back to traditional markets

(((((((((((Traditional markets))))))))))))

it coincides with the Vechain live stream
