Is the ChainLink shadowfork real?!

>There is no shadow fork of ChainLink

Explain this.

How can we find out whether or not this is actually Sergey's doing?

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I sold all my 100 k link for 5 mill worth of shadowlink comfy desu

You trolling son? Explain immediately.


I humbly ask that you explain why I'm worried for no reason. Seriously. I hold LINK and this is the last bit of FUD I haven't been able to get out of my head.

Please sell you stack of 17 Link ASAP

Okay so basically you have no answer. Nice. I hold 10,000 LINK and I'm trying to do my research like an actual investor.

Anyone else?

go back to le r e d d i t xD. shadowlink is last week's EPIC troll. seriously it was pretty epic. A for effort. BUT we're bored with it already.

Jason Parser forked Link, he copied Sergey's usb.

They are going to make movies about this shit


but why does the coin appear on fucking ethplorer?

Are you guys fucking serious? Not even a little bit curious?!


I also went all in on shadowlink. Getting closer to lambo dream land faster than ever

explain this

sergay also holds fapcoin, jew coin and another chainlink...chainlink holders btfo

use chainlink when your being a good boy

use shadowlink when your being bad


Guys, it's over, stop lying. It's time for him to know the truth.

My black id confirms...

Best get in on the shinkie train, OP. Jason Parser is about to give ol' Sergey what for.


Why linkies aren't all over this on ED is astonishing desu

I never understood why james steals pokemon in search of riches when his family is loaded in the first place. not to mention he has a fine piece of ass who wanted him at home

It's all true.