just cashed out all my crypto
Just cashed out all my crypto
lol i love h3h3 they're so funny!!
btw how do u even buy bit coin? new to this place
>He's out......pump it
>Watching ((( ((( (((h3h3))) ))) )))
Wew lad
More normies = more money
You only need to jump out when you feel the normies completely dominated the crypto scene.
Listening to this faggot.
Dyspo and Hit?
Yes, the donnutsman and not-beerus.
Stop being selfish, I'd rather not see people's lives get ruined over this. Invest smartly, if you lose it all then sucks and you move on but it's not worth seeing people lose all their life savings and killing themselves. I'd rather make money off of the greedy 1% and those that deserve to lose money.
Like.. do they, you know.. have sex ?
i can't help but view the lady as a mental retard and the guy as a emotionally damaged bully victim sporting a micropenis. I bet they only do missionary, in the dark, under the covers, with the guy still wearing his socks and the women still wearing her bra.
awkwardly shuffling in a straight vertical line whilst keeping straight eye contact and moaning monotonely.
Get off my board!!
Uh, they’re kikes. Kikes hate crypto. They hate goyish NEETs getting rich.
I'm not greedy and I do not want to see people's lives getting ruined, unfortunately this just happens, some people will not be able to have the right timing to jump out.
But maybe I'm being a total piece of shit seeing them only as numbers.
Just for you, big guy.
found reddot
We got plenty of time lads, We're all gonna make it
>reddit stole our meme
Carlos didn't deserve this
wow you sold your two litecoins & one eth. damn user
Fucking goddamn. That pic and your post.
There's my laugh for the night, thank you user.
why are these dirty kikes still making videos and why are their shitty faces shitting up my pixels?