What did you spend your crypto on?
What did you spend your crypto on?
$700 maplebux and a mac
what'd you do, find your old dogecoin wallet?
its $1100, a $2k macbook pro, and a $1800 jacket
t. photo taken by the iphone x
ww2 Memorabilia
the only thing I spend my cryptos is on higher ROI cryptos you silly newfags
I can embroider that jacket for 20$ bruh
>you got literally shilled into scam shit
cocaine and escorts...
Fuck loads of shrooms
unironically a lambo
$1800 for a nigger tier jacket.
Are you dark skinned? Show hand. This is the kind of stuff a dark skinned person would buy and take a picture of.
>he cashes out of crypto
Can't say ;^)
holy shit i recognize that freckle..
you work out at my goodlife
Arab genes. That explains it.
More crypto.
I want to be a shillionaire! I can never cash out if I want to become a shillionaire...
im scared
>larping with that paltry amount of leafbux
Absolutely Doxxxed? Unlikely.
Absolutely LARPed with VPNs? Nearly certain.
>2k macbook pro
enjoy your depreciating value
The plot thickens
>1800 jacket
>not buying 1800$ worth of xlm
(((THEM))): This slavery shit isn't working as well as before, we can't force them to do shit they aren't AS dumb as before, still dumb but our shit doesn't work anymore. Time for plan B - Consumerism, make them chase after plastic shit every year while we clone ourselves and go have fun doing dumbshit with our VR-neurolinks to our clones.
I'm mostly into crypto to see if I can fund a trip to Japan
>he fell for the latests macmeme
senpai pls tell me it's 2015 and not that shit with just 1 port
Fucking dingdong, you should have hodled until you had some $7K-ish and got a Pocket NC. At least that capital good could have netted you income creating small-scale CNC products for money. Things like jewelry, LARP figurines, etc.
Fucking nigger rich nog-a-log!
You mean the new trash where u don't have a headphone jack and need to pay 80$ a month for new headphones because they built them to break?
>cashing out
>before 2020