Jordan Belfort said that futures are going to kill Butcoin. Thoughts?

Jordan Belfort said that futures are going to kill Butcoin. Thoughts?

Two things are killing bitcoin - it's slow as fuck to send and sending it costs a ton. If I've got to move funds from one exchange to the other I'll buy LTC or NEO, send that, then sell for BTC (if I need to.) I don't know enough to know why it sucks but I do know it sucks and I'll be selling mine before it hits 2k again.

If you just watch the video he's only saying what we have been saying for months now and he's right. if you dont have your money in fundamentals be prepared to lose it all

Why he so ugly compared to Leo DiCalpico?

he's right. market manipulation for meeting futures contract terms is going to destroy bitcoin. if you cant tell, it's already started.
invest in bluechips or get fucked

Why so I care what a scam artist thinks? He's 'reformed' now so I should trust him?

whats a bluechip



he's just another angry nocoiner coping with fomo

where do the futures end? 31st of jan right?


Fuck that is funny every single time for some reason.

Bluechips is going to be huge. Can't wait for the ICO. I'll be eating pussy in 0 gravity once this hits exchange

Really made me think.

What if he's NOT a nocoiner. He could be another Pajeet making pump and dump coins. After all, he knows all about p&ds. Except this time he can't get into legal trouble.

>What is Google
Bluechips are the big players, the proven, reliable, non-shit coins

This month's CAN expire on Friday. CME is always on the last Friday of the month. CBOE is on the 17th of each month.

>implying ICOs will still be profitable by then.


This somethings up if Jordan Belfort is saying Bitcoin is going to crash. Will never trust that douche

>listening to a criminal who fried his brain with drugs for financial/investing advice

makes you think

people have already given you the definition of a blue chip. I'd say bluechips in crypto:
XRP (even though biztards hate it),
maybe WTC if you're not all in on ven.
LINK (50% memes, 50% game changing technology)

Why are you guys talking about it like this won't happen? It already happened exactly as he said you faggots. Giant bullrun, market crashes while futures get shorted. The bubble has burst and the next futures will be the end of crypto as we know it. This is another multi-year bear market now, sorry. The technology will be used, but there's no reason for the prices to be this high.

Retards want to believe

Btc is worth nothing

The game is finally coming to an end for BTC price speculators.

Because everyone is dumbass

Kek, I’m 1 min in and he already has to correct CNNs headline. Fake News.

Somebody is enjoying their 15 minutes of fame.

It doesn't make sense for Wall Street to kill Bitcoin. It's an unregulated market; there are no rules preventing insider trading. Why wouldn't it be reasonable to think that they're using the futures market to drive down the price of Bitcoin to a level where they can accumulate a ton of it and then pump the shit out of it? Why would they piss away a chance at free money?

>movie guy IRL
>dude tulips LMAO
How much was he paid for this segment? Embarrassing

You have no idea what bluechips are if those are your bluechip cryptos

The jews are dealing with FOMO by crashing the entire market then buying in at whatever price the want amid massive waves of bankrupted goyim and suicides.

Not that I mind half of Reddit slitting their own wrists when their portfolios collapse and they sell at a loss trying to "get out while they can."

I know you kids are smarter than that. You're going to buy the dip and wait so you get rich along with the sneaky kikes.

supply and demand, short squeeze etc
>all that correct but it will happen not earlier than 2020



Something with good tech *and* real partnerships, which will survive the massacre and go on to actually be a part of the new economic system


Watched this guy talk in london, he knew absolutely nothing beyond the basics of sales...