
Elon has tied his compensation to Tesla's performance. If he succeeds he gets billions in stock. If he fails, he gets absolutely nothing. The fuckin balls on this god.

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mistakes were made (i dont believe this bullshit for one second)

elon is retarded. uses tax money for stuff that doesn't work. thinks AI will enslave humanity "if we are not careful!!!" (or pretends to, to hinder other companies). Disgusting person

The good thing is his work will save you whether you appreciate him or not. Fuckin ungrateful pajeet

More like you're retarded lmao, you are the type of person that if he cared about politics would be a climate change denier.

There was a big energy crisis last year in South Australia. A large part of the power in state is supplied by renewables, and there tended to be a lot of black-outs in peak periods. The conservative national government was losing it's shit and saying we needed to build more coal power plants because it was 'more reliable'. Musk sent a tweet out saying he could fix the issue in less than 100 days by installing huge batteries to even out supply. He bet that if he couldn't do it in 100 days, the batteries would be free. A couple of weeks ago, a new 100MW battery storage facility opened up, on budget and on time. This guy is not here to fuck spiders.


butthurt fanboys

What has this fraud achieved in reality? He managed to take billions of dollars in tax payer subsidies and produced a car completely unaffordable to 99% of those tax payers. Developed a cult of personality by pandering to financially ignorant liberal millenials with buzzwords, delusions of grandeur and what has amounted to nothing but empty hype.

His model 3 is virtually non-existent. His competitors are beating him to the market with more affordable mid range models eroding any first mover advantage he may have had. Any state or country that stops it's subsidy program for EVs sees Teslas sales there instantly drop to fucking ZERO proving his business is non-existent with tax money as proven by Teslas obscene P/E ratio.

At least oil/gas companies who receive subsidies actually produce something fucking affordable with it. In reality, in the real world if you cut through the bullshit normiebook/twitter shilling, gushing and virtue signalling, he and his company are duds. His only saving grace is he will mostly likely achieve a martyrdom type status from the deluded lib-sucks who blindly worship him when his company catastrophically eats shit.

if he fails = billionare
if he suceeds = billionare
wow guy taking some major risks here

>tie your financials to a company that will make it thanks to government assistance
So brave

Im pro environment and think Elon is a retard, the guys a fucking snake oil salesman

You mongoloid that did nothing to fix the energy crisis, just a fucking pr stunt


>powers 30,000 homes for 1 hour
>1 hour
Elon just saved Australia!



>ywn live the life as an eccentric billionaire that can't handle sluts, accounting, nsa satellites, batteries, and still get all these awesome contracts and be on the inside of what's really happening behind the scenes

Elon already owns billions in shares. Even if he doesn’t hit his targets he’s still set unless shit drops to zero

I wonder what his speech was like

I don't buy the hype and the capacity figures the media use are pretty misleading and worthless in this context. The battery isn't designed to supply full operating power to 30,000 homes when there's a blackout, it's designed to prevent a blackout from ever occurring by balancing or stabilizing the network during extreme peak demand periods.

the "30,000 homes for an hour" is just a lazy capacity representation from trash-tier journalists. Kinda like
>"Its the size of 10 Olympic swimming pools
>Its the size of 5 football fields

Yeah ok, that doesn't really tell me shit Mr Media.

>What has this fraud achieved in reality?

SpaceX is preparing to launch a triple stage rocket which will achieve solar orbit, pick up speed and slingshot into Mars orbit after which it will fire its engines and continue beyond the solar system

The test payload is a cherry Red Tesla Roadster.

Yes. You read that right. I am not shitting you.

"I just want to contribute and much as possible to humanity becoming a multi-planet species"

I think people shit on him because people are beaten down, depressed so disempowered they feel like nothing is really possible.


or one house for like 3 years lol

literally every major company "uses tax money". please graduate high school

Elon is pure scum.
He treats his employees like shit.

The best thing is it actually proved its worth and prevented power outages just before Christmas

This reaffirms my point. His cult of personality is derived from hype and stunts unrelated to his Tesla business which is at this point is further failing.
What does spaceX launching a roadster into space have to do with his failure to mass produce an affordable mid-range EV that's accessibly and widely adopted by the market? How does spending billions to shoot a car into space translate to "revolutionizing the electric vehicle market and savings the planet!!!!".

All he's managed to do so far is miss deadlines, give up market share to competitors and produce $100,000 toys that burst into flames and drive under trucks.