Coin Market Cap: Top 10

Notice anything Veeky Forums?

Yes. OP's a faggot

>Coins that will get an A ranking tomorrow are green
>Coins which will not get an A ranking tomorrow are red

same thread as the other day?


Only two in the green are jew coins


Stellar is a copy paste of ripple. I went in on xem, neo, ada, xrm. Am I doing this wrong fuck

ID: jEW213UP


>(ID: jEW

teach me

What is this about rankings?



what kind of kike trickery is this. this has gone tooo damn far I tell ya. TOOO DAMN FAR


>BTC is pegged against USD
>ALT market is pegged against BTC
>BTC moves in USD
>ALTs move in USD


ok a hint here


clearly the guy knows his stuff, even his id is trustworthy. kek

Does this mean I should go all in on jewcoins?