Slow and steady coins

I have $50k I want to drop into a handful of blue chip coins and not touch them for at least a year. I'm looking at ETH, BTC, XLM, BAT, and maybe AION or Wanchain. I want to pick 3-4 max. Am I missing anything?

And before you start peddling your shitcoins I already have a separate stack for chasing moon missions. That's not what this thread is for. Safe, long term holds only.


Why BTC?


OMG is on a firesale right now.


ETH/XLM/OMG/XMR. if you truly holding for over a year this is guranteed money. may not outperform other coins % wise but you are literally guaranteed to make money. will also be able to stake OMG/ETH in the future and earn more passive income, literally no brainer.

dont be stupid user

Neblio. Take a look at the chart and thank me later, user.



Maybe bat

And before the xrp hate, dont listen to these retards here. They hate money

ETH, XLM, NEO, maybe LUX?

So now is a good time to buy into ETH if I'm looking to hold for a year+?

I love OMG I've got 1k in my trading stack but I don't plan to ever sell it so I suppose it should probably be in my hold stack haha

Ethorse is a fosho 10x atleast, research it my guy

good, i have 2.5k that i will never sell. got in at less than $1 so "no" risk for me in losing money

bullish as fuck for that coin long term

they don't need to tell me xrp sucks I've been around almost a year and know for a fact it is. i don't even consider it crypto. it's a centralized sms service for banks, none of which are using or will use the useless xrp token

lots of people listing monero. I'm pretty sure the US is going to be laying down strict regulations on crypto this year and monero will probably be public enemy #1

this, monero holders might want to read up on the history of crypto and understand what they are into

My slow&steady picks are BAT, XMR, ETH & OMG

who is this fat-bottomed slattern?

AION is probably highest risk/reward since it is early.

XLM is most sure winner imo.

i see BTC as having a lot of upside right now with lightning integrating into mainnet and adoption growing. It will be a game changer on top of the fact that its the "safest" out of any crypto.

even if lightning doesnt work, it doesnt matter because hype alone will carry the price (look at mostly every other crpyto with 0 use case sky rocketing the past few months)

XLM brah. Its really looking promising dont mind the up and down swing movements...if you buy in under $1 you'll still have time