I can't get into any of the good Icos!

fuck America I can't get into any of these good fucking ico's I'm so pissed off I can't take it. Bitcoin suisse just denied me for the experty Ico because I'm a fucking burger.

This country sucks dick. The people here are racist as fuck. Ignorant arrogant morons. The government holds us down by not letting us make good money by joining the good Icos.

Literally I'm about to order a passport on the darknet and use a VPN in the future to join the good Icos. Fuck this country and fuck you if you're racist or homophobic.

OP is a pajeet posing as americuck

Idiot I'm downtown Boston motha fucka

Fuck off commie fucking peace of shiteating faggot

do you work at that hotel?

*whispers* there's nothing morally wrong with communism if you understand it and dont just repeat 3rd grade arguments

yes, plz leave. take youre friends with you. this state would be a lot better without people like you

Eat shit

This, communism is literally for chads.
>chads work together to ensure the maximum profit for everyone
>everyone puts in hard work and gets rewarded
It only fails because virgins and cucks want to nickle and dime everything. Remember, the USSR was the first into space.

Just use a proxy, like everyone else, faggot.

icowatchlist has a bunch of good ICOs americans can get in.

The first 20-25 has a few.

You niggerfags need to go back to yurostan if you're not already there.

I am looking into fake passports as i type this user

fuck america

>Study animal nature
>accept that man is an animal
>then you will know why communism will always fail

>man is an animal
Of course, but man should seek to transcend that state. Once genetic engineering and brain-computer interfaces take off, communism will finally be possible since you can genetically engineer the selfish, sociopathic genes out of society.

Nah man there is something wrong with communists. Its that every single communist is a whining snivelling faggot without exception. They all are just lazy and want something for free. Meanwhile I spend 16 hours a day on biz fudding link and these faggots wanna take my $1000 link? I don't think so.

Get the fuck out then you stupid nigger faggot, go be a commie niggerfaggot somewhere else, commie niggerfaggot.

>chads work together to ensure the maximum profit for everyone
>everyone puts in hard work and gets rewarded


People are forced to work to benefit a small minority (ie the government and its favorites).

Extra work done isn't compensated. The lazy does the least amount of work without being punished gets rewarded the same as the person who does more work. There's no benefit to working hard.

>Remember, the USSR was the first into space.

At the cost astronaut deaths that could've been prevented if they hadn't cut corners.

>artificial economic equilibrium

You commies sure know how economics work lmao

If you're too stupid to get into an Ico then that's just nature maintaining the status quo.

Good point and I'm not dumb I guess I've just been lazy to pay someone off for their information like in the case of this where they require a selfie or buy an out of country passport.

Either way I'm not missing any more good ones

Thanks for the link to Ico watch list

Yes it's me I'm on a private bot net

Can we cut the Communist chatter I'm not even Russian it was the first fuck America picture i found on Google

Where u live nigger I’ll come over

>Stupid enough to blame a country just because the fact he's so stupid he didn't know how to use VPNs.

Now I get why you are a commie.

>there's nothing wrong with jew rulers slaughtering hundreds of millions of goyim and enslaving the rest
go back to rebbit and kys you stupid faggot, communism is literally the jewish utopia
also equality doesn't fucking exist in nature and can't possibly exist without destroying all life

>chads work together to ensure the maximum profit for everyone

>don't work
>still get maximum profit
>steam from the system to make profits on the side
And this, kids is why communism doesn't work.

Just make or get that fake passport. There was another user here that said he did this last week. These ICOs aren't gonna verify with the government lol. It's not like it's tied to your bank account.

Also, fuck this retarded burger country.


>"economic over-regulation is stopping me from buying into ICOs!"
>is a commie

the absolute state of Veeky Forums.

>tfw dual citizen
>tfw can just use Mexican passport

LMAO even spics from the 3rd world have more opportunities

I’m confused. Is your hatred towards the US or towards the Swiss for IOC-blocking burgers?