Buying REQ was the worst decision I’ve made

Buying REQ was the worst decision I’ve made.

Hodl you impatient fuck

seling it was mine

India supir power by 2020
replac; dollers with cryptocurrency
i make it bous

buying trx was mine

I also bought 80 xrp, sent it to a wallet
and now only have 60 because those commie fucks steal 20 per address.

Can someone post the Stacy copypasta? Gives me a chuckle every time I read that and realize there are people holding this shitcoin unironically.

Fuck off you short sighted 40 year old douchey faggot fuck - hold on to your USD dipshit assclown while I profit long term with my mother fucking REQ tokens and I laugh and shit on your kids and fuck your mom when your 401k gets a nice haircut before next year when the stock market crashes

There are people flocking here who wouldn't understand REQ's potential if it bit them in the ass. Most of those people were here to make a quick buck and in the stock market and are about to get wiped the fuck out

Well I hate to break it to you but Request Network isn't a stock... I know this is news to you. Also, I'll let you in on another secret. In the world of REQ's bear markets turn to bull and back to bear and back again in weeks or even days. Request has been nothing but a "bull" market for all of recent history.

I know what fucking money is! When he said show me a better money you fucking knew what he meant. You had to get all technical on him and I blew up on you for it for not understanding. Now, I'm going to call you an asshole. And don't lecture me on how technically you aren't the actual asshole that sits between your buttcheeks that I am calling you. You're you. A whole smartass human being. Congratulations. So am I.

this is my fave pasta

I have 20k req I bought near ATH because I was shilled into believing it was going to rocket to top 10. If nothing happens in the next couple of weeks, I'm dumping this shitcoin


Lol take responsibility for your own actions. Should've bought at 50% ico like the rest of us REQchads

I'm sick of you moon tomorrow or I'm gone fucks. Get the fuck out. I suggest a blackjack table to satisfy your ROI needs.

I take full responsibility. I'm just frustrated at being a chode among Chads

I only respect your opinion because of your digits

God damn I love these bottom of a dip threads when pathetic cucks Like You post.

Why don't you sell pussy. Go buy some Tron.

holding here, no patience is going to make many many wojacks

Does anyone know about the WAN/wanchain vs REQ/Request Network?

Anyone afraid of WAN being a genuine competitor or if they are even competing? Seems like a dangerous situation.

Hold until mainnet so you don't sell at a loss.

dump your bags for HORSE then. REQ was .03 cents for a long time, you got a long ways down my friedn

What are the differences between WAN and REQ?

Seems to me like they are exactly the same product and competitors.

I hold 200k REQ but unironically hope it will go lower before next moon so brainlets like you got fucked hard.

Bought it at $1.06, disgusted with myself. A painful lesson never to FOMO buy.

It's actually 50 now kek

>before next moon

There won't be one

really? XLM are reducing it to 1 kek. Hmm... I sold 5k XRP a week ago and only left some I got for my mum in my wallet + the 20 fee. Guess I'll have to buy her 30 more (she only had 190 lol) meh.

>Still blaming other people for his mistakes
This is why you won't make it, user, not the fact that you bought Req at an ATH.

This but ironically :)