The Market Is Dead

How does it feel Veeky Forums?

Crypto is on its dying breath. It peaked and now it's coming down slowly. Big players are pulling out slowly and safely, shutting down mining as it becomes inefficient. Traders are selling their bags to idiots who think there will be a recovery.

We will never see 1 Trillion market cap.
We might not even see 800B market cap again

This is it Veeky Forums. I hope you made money because from now on you get to wagecuck

you must be new

nice just not bought 100k

nice just took out loan and maxed credit cards

The King is ill, this is a time of uncertainty - if he dies many will vie for his throne.

>wtf is wagecucking?

what dont you idiots understand about cycles
look have you ever traded or made huge sums of money in crypto? it is an adrenaline rush that becomes a just one more time kinda thing. money may leave but it will always come back especially while it is unregulated.

The market isn't dead retard, smart money and big players just know that the ONLY utility that BTC has (being an onramp to buy OTHER crypto) is about to be over due to fiat exchanges (FairX, etc.), and they're getting out now while it's still possible to liquidate over time.

The problem this time is that the market cap is actually too high. They failed to push it higher and realized that no amount of tether can pump BTC past 20K. Then they drained every alt coin, but that's over now.

You might be able to make gains, but you won't make gains just holding anymore. Only day traders who get lucky will make it, and they'll barely make it as BTC falls.

what the fuck is wrong with this board? literally every fucking loser from /pol/ migrated here and now the board is fully saturated with fucking retards. There are 0 good shills. 0 posts about coins that haven't already been pumped. i mean what's the fucking point?
literally fuck this place. It was a funny meme in December when we made gains but now it's just run by fucking fags who don't go outside

and there are 100 of these posts every fucking day OP. be more original

> 0 posts about coins that haven't already been pumped.
That's because the market is dying

>"The market isn't dying!"
>"People are just getting out while they still can!"

well you’re wrong. i made a play account with 10k at the beginning of the of the “bear market” to fuck around. i bought and held certain shit i researched. the portfolio hit 120k yesterday.

>I made a play account with 10k at the beginning of the of the “bear market” to fuck around. i bought and held certain shit i researched. the portfolio hit 120k yesterday.
kek,my sides

you think im kidding?

Imagine being this sad that crypto is over
It was fun, but move on and apply for a job now

i actually have a job and have my masters degree. feels good not being a poor inbred

what a retard, weiss comes out in a few hours. we're all going to the moon after that, so long as you're not holding literal scams and meme shills

>Only day traders who get lucky will make it, and they'll barely make it as BTC falls
Trader here, it's rough. Up the equivalent of 2.3 BTC over the last 10 days, in terms of USD that's $0.

Traders make just as much money as the the market goes down you fucking retard. Did you just stumble onto this board or something?

Lose some money. Chief?


What? Explain

BTC will rise again in March and in the middle of the Year be at 25.000$

With Litening Network and all the Shit Coins Flushed out there will be no other way

basically jew grading coins....
top coins that is, shitters will be left alone

how when the fad has come and gone. theres no more newfags to jump in to a party that no longer exists.

Regarding the recent Bitcoin uncertainty, our team has been working closely with Wall Street and VC heads. The Bitcoin price movement is blatant wallstreet manipulation. Over 200 billion dollars are waiting to enter the market, no one has ever seen so much money leaving wall street to enter a different asset class.
Do not panic, there is no way to lose if you stay in the game. The next major bull run is just around the corner.

cryptos are a sham, a scam and a damned lie! they have zero worth which they're going straight to zero! you've been warned fools! fools!


derppppppppppppp. All the normies got burned on tron and decided crypto wasn't for them..... until it is. They're gonna do it again and again and again. They'll never learn, always a new generation of bagholders

The larp forum is over there user

fuck tron it was btc mainstream media was hyping everywhere. when your uncle asks you about bitcoin at xmas you know it's bad news.

but now mainstream is growing tired of it, and any normie that would pump money into such a thing already would have. the fad and hype are fading by the day. itll only come back if you see a serious ride up like a couple months ago, and i just dont see that happening, espesically when btc price is stuck at 10-11k just like it was stuck at 15-16k for a month. its getting stale again, wont stay at 11k forever, its gonna make a move, and guess which way.