Had to put her down today Veeky Forums...

Had to put her down today Veeky Forums. I know some of you won't give a shit but this is the only board I go on and I consider this place home. It hurts to lose the best pupper in the world but she's not in pain anymore and thats enough for me to get by. Hope you guys have a better day than I and I hope you get some gains too. Goodnight biz.

RIP pupper

Damn, sorry to hear that man.

Obsession with animals is strange in my country/culture. Just buy another one.


RIP in peace

We might be assholes but we're not monsters. I'm sorry OP, she looks like she was a good dog.

Good form pupper.

RIP :(

And what country/culture is that?

Sorry for your loss M8

Rip, it's always hard to lose someone you love

sorry user. RIP pupper she looks like a good one

Shut your bitch mouth. Dogs are what allowed us to survive the wilderness back when most humans still worried about getting fucking eaten. Show some god damn respect

nice bought 100k dogecoin

rip dogo

She’s getting assfucked by a pit bull in doggy heaven right now buddy. Cheer up

Sorry man - I'm assuming she lived a good life and she'll live on in your memories forever.

RIP doggy.

Genuinely sorry to hear that, OP. Wishing well to you and those who loved her.

RIP pupper. Sorry for your lots, man. My brother just got a new pup two days ago.

The cycle of life and death continues

www.critters.com - create a memorial bro... it will help.

Sorry dude. As my dog gets older I am dreading the day more and more that this will happen.

shitskins cant understand this

One that will never matter. Only shit tier countries have this "culture".

Did your subspecies bother domesticating any animals they don't eat or sodomize?

RIP pupper

Sorry to hear this. RIP :

Dogs have been our best animal friends for thousands of years. Since the dawn of civilization they’ve helped us out in a mutually beneficial relationship.

You must be from somewhere barbaric.

south of the sahara, or asia im guessing

You are now visited by pupper in a better place

Post thank you pupper in a better place or you are not going to make it

So sorry OP. I fear the day I'll have to part with my best friend. I'm sure your doge loved you even more than you loved her.

And the naive left think we can bridge this gap and welcome cultures with such backward beliefs into our countries.

I come here to shitpost while I get rich man, I don't come for the feels.

RIP pupper.

good bye doggiey
doggeyies are nice animals i think

Atlanta probably.

Thanks for all the support guys. Changed devices so idk if my id matches but OP here. Really appreciate it. I took a shot in her honor.

Na we love dogs.
RIP pupper, take care of yourself OP



Sad to hear OP. She looked like she was a very memeable doggo. Maybe an user can make this into a nice copypasta someday. Also buy the dip.

Every now and then I remember that one day im gonna lose this guy. It just motivates me to spend more time with him. He's only two so he's got a while to go yet. He came from a litter of 15 from my sister's dogs, so I've seen him since he was born.

I like to imagine she's laughing at TRX bagholders in this photo.

Good now go have children you sack of shit. This is a /pol/ thread now.

RIP good pupper. Sorry, OP. Soon you will be ready to help another pupper live good life. You did good. Good luck with your healing.

go pat that boys head

Yes, always get the dipshit of the litter, they are the most entertaining. Sorry for your loss op

Ugh phoneposting

People actually own female dogs? I thought only breeders did


What's the obsession of animals lmao. It's like you want to fuck them or get 3 animals in case one dies you still have two alive. And at top of that you wanted too much money that could of been investing instead of going all in to some stupid creature.

>not getting a very large female doggo and loving her until she becomes your personal attack dog

sorry for your loss OP she looks like a good puppo

The dog's name is Stella lol

Please, from the bottom of my heart, kill as many of your fellow shitskins as your defunct third world governments will permit you to, and then immediately end your own wretched lives. Thanks.

rip pupper

What? Her name was Kaycee....

Sorry to hear that user, it's a very sad time when your most loyal friend passes on, wish they could live as long as us, they deserve it more then us to be honest. Would trade all my crypto to have my old friend back. But time does heal the loss

I like your style.

Just wanted to drop by to remind everyone that death is final, there is no afterlife, once the physical state of the brain deteriorates the software program that's you is effectively 'deleted'.

Carry on.

Sorry for your loss buddy! Your dougie looks super cute

Yeah and where's that, India? Fucking pajeet faggot.

yeah what a brown nose punjabi fuck

Lamo keep having dogs and cats for children before browns takes over the world this century and weed out the cuck genes of yours based that you still have feeling for me

>doesn't like someones lake of empathy
>begins a genocidal rant

Absolute state of biz

I want to plow my hard cock in that tight, hot doggy snatch until I empty my balls inside of her


Sorry my man. They take a part of you with them when they die but that is just a testament to how close you two were.

This. Idk why these faggots think they can hang if chinks and shits are laping them.

OP, you're a waste of good white skin

RIP pupper,
Sorry for your loss mate.

Dogs truly are mans best friend

Lots of people own bitches, me personally prefer males but females are better trained, smarter and will pretty much attack on command, males can be fucking retarded but that's why I prefer them I guess, they have a better personality I find.

Evey dog owners house smells like shit, wether they know it or not. I hope OP joins his mutt soon.

Emotional faggot, go make gains

Cats are way better.

>be aware inside dream
>let dream go
>watch as it begins to disintegrate
>one-to-one match between the characteristics of a dream breaking apart and the supposed stages of death as described by people who experienced most of them

>lay in bed and stay really still for about 30 minutes
>watch as your body goes into paralysis and you begin to see strange hallucinations which turn into 2D objects which turn into 3D objects which arrange themselves until you're in a full dream
>"reality" is just a thing that your brain constructs out of bits and pieces
>when you're inside the dream you can simply ask it to do things for you and it will
>if you ask nicely strange people will appear and talk to you
>after a while of talking it becomes apparent that these "people" are actually the creations of the hidden part of your psyche responsible for understanding the world

there's probably an afterlife.

Had to do the same recently, it will get better. remember the good times and bad as one

Your pup was real cute op.
Yours is a looker too. Mines 7 so I can see he’s getting creaky in the joints, had him his whole life. And yes don’t let a day go by that you don’t do something special with him, even just a little wrestling.

Been where you are man, things will get better. All dogs go to heaven

This is the state of 'men' on this board

/pol/ needs to hurry up and takeover belgium already.

Yes, we are human. Now leave.

Man you're just a miserable cunt.

Try glucosamine for his joints.

Didn't take long for the degenerates to arrive.

>he's a grown man
>doesn't like dogs

wtf is wrong with you


Gonna hurt when its time to go for mine..shes only 3 years old. Just thinking about it gives me the baddest of feels man...dogs truly a mans best friend. Hold on strong brother

He's brain damaged, look at his posts.

>Even in user message men cant show emotion and affection

Unironically kys

ow man im sorry, she looks so cute but don't worry op she doesn't suffer anymore, her energy is now in the air and she will always be with you, now her energy is everywhere in the universe :)

This thread needs to be deleted. Dog owners are the most emotional self centered faggots on the planet next to Israelis. I wish you all died with your dogs so we could weed out your genetic weaknesses.

An animal is to used as a tool, to be respect and cared for but you idiots have ventured to outright worship and anthropomorphism.

delete system32
RIP Kaycee

Sorry for your loss, OP. Losing a doggo is hard. I feel for you.
"They might only be here a part of our lives, but to them you are their whole life" --some link holding faggot

I dont give a fuck how much you dont give a fuck. Dumb pieces of shit like you are the reason why boards go to shit.


Fucken thicc tho, what are your lifts and routine?

RIP. Sorry user.

One day, you will find someone who loves you. Probably.

Sorry op. His memory will be with you

My boy is very old too.

So edgy

RIP. I watched my cat die the other day, she was almost 20 years old. It was really sad, she was basically comatose but every once in a while she would take a deep breath and come back to me. I sat there and comforted her until I noticed her eyes turn from green to grey. I'm just glad she died at home and I didn't have to take her to get put down in some office where she's scared and uncomfortable. I cried for hours. You spend a quarter of your life feeding and caring for this animal and then one day they're just gone. It hurts a lot.

Feel better user, doggos in a better place. Even though it may hurt, the right thing to do is give another dog a good and happy life because there are too many that don't ever experience that.

im sorry for your loss


Shouldn't you edgelord420s be busy buying games on steam so you can give them negative reviews?

trying this now

Im sorry for your loss dude, but as you said at least she died with you, sorrounded by love, now her energy is part of the universe and she is everywhere

My cat is 1yr old and i can't imagine how my life would be if she lives up to 20yrs and one day she is gone, i can't even imagine myself in 20 years to be honest

Sorry OP. I won't know what I'll do if I lose my puppers.
They're still young so I've never really thought about that, but I know that painful day is gona come some day.