Is ChainLink a collective hallucination? it's getting less and less likely it's going to do the kind of numbers Veeky Forums is projecting.
Is ChainLink a collective hallucination...
It's called paid shilling
Yup, it's a hallucination just like Trump and Brexit.
Will probably be dumped after the conference and for the next year we’ll never see anything higher than what it is now.
See: OMG
ShadowLink is the real deal.
The only people who would dump after Sergey's next talk would be people expecting him to shill something there. And he won't. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to think he's going to suddenly change his entire approach and start hyping.
What happened with that image, was the original ever found/posted? I can't even remember what the thread was about.
delete this
im getting sick
500 EOY at least
I thought that pic was supposed to autodelete or something.
Holy Fuck i had this game on a wristwatch when i was a kid. It's all starting to make sense.
Look at the Lanyards the Bogdanoffs are wearing. It's all starting to make sense.
>pic related
Pretty sure they do it for free
Any one who would pay for that is retarded and you have to give these guys more credit
>TRX A++
pretty sure there is a big troll group that is paid to shill the shit out of link
>not posting the actual picture
is that sergey
its a transcript of a conversation of sergey with the bogs
only the enlightened can decipher the pic with their eyes
/x here you already know how it is.