Why didn't I sell at $30? This is going back to $1 isn't it

Why didn't I sell at $30? This is going back to $1 isn't it.

i doubled down at 35. kill me

It is dead.
And will prob get dumped to the bottom when it is on Binance.
Big “If” it can get to Binance

have you tried withdrawing or depositing? this shit takes hours or even days. Fucking scam coin

no, prob $3-4 though

Why has it lost so much?

its garbage maybe?

crypto is a SCAM.. youve been warned!

I'm convinced that there is some coordinated fud attacks on this coin here on biz. So either you are a pajeet or you are simply impatient and don't deserve the gains. How could you actually convince yourself that it will never hit Ath again given the new exchange listings, wallet updates, rebranding, def commitments

literally sent from raiwallet, sold on kucoin, and withdrew my ether to binance all in about 5 minutes.

Cause all of that is a big IF. No Pajeet, just a concerned holder.

cant believe some of u r still holding this coin, thats just risky af. you could get out right now when most coins are half their peak mc. its a long way fucking down.. why is this worth 1bill+ anyways

Jesus fucking christ these bags are heavy. is this shit getting on binance in feburary or not

how many did you send? I tried sending 100 and its been hours! Fuck this piece of shit! Instant payments? SCAM

>taking XRB FUD serious

sent 755 and it was available for trading on kucoin within 1 minute. youre either retarded or fudding

Got in at $1 and I flat-out refuse to sell.

most likely both

im glad ur concerned....lol. didnt dip enough for your accumulation of .2 to ur 5 stack today rahj?

Stupid alert here. The amount of coins sent does not affect the transaction speed.

I bought at 35 sold at 25 bought back in at 18 . Did I do it right?

I hear you. I am kinda concerned as well given what appears to be a lack of urgency to get this toward mass adoption asap. But truthfully I just think that Colin and other devs are just overwhelmed and they are doing their best to stay on top of things. I think that all of these issues ultimately just show how raiblocks is still just in its infancy and that there is much more room to grow. I refuse to sell at this point. Not underwater yet but probably will be if it keeps tanking like it has been (kicking myself for buying another 75xrb at 24$

I bought at $0.7 when Veeky Forums started shilling it before plebbit. All those nazi XRB memes were the real good shit.

You fell for the no transaction fee meme get fucked

Look at how nobody, even reddit brainlets, cares about IOTA anymore.

That is where this shitcoin will be going.

Is there a discord I can join to help FUD this coin. XRB needs to get less hype rn. The devs really need more time and breathing space for a month or 2. Otherwise it might not come even close to BTC, if they dont have things ready in time for listings and media coverage.

relax mate, so much coming, will get a pump and you can dump your bags on all the fomo buyers, well dip and people who have long term vision for the tech will be holding at $100+ EOY

Well I got in ven early so hope it makes up for missing the train

Yeah I mean, the team and community is why I'm holding, and frankly I'm kind of risk averse so I only put about 15% of my portfolio in XRB.

Constant good news if you read the subreddit but idk. I fear it might be a little cultish, Bitcoin style.

>bought at 18k sats

Reddit kiss of death. REQ's next.

Damn, you did good as well. Not quite 10x, but cant really complain with a 7x.

Lol same person every day with same shitty fud. If anyone here actually listens to this and thinks "oh my god biz is right" neck yourself. From so many shitty coins and this retard is 24/7 fudding xrb.

>every day with same shitty fud.
because everyday it goes down

Yea and everything else is mooning. Jesus biz retards...

Retarded name and logo

Except it's going further below than others and isn't recovering like the rest. Check coinmarketcap and look at the current top 100. This is laggig behind hard.

Dropping in usd and dropping further in sats and erh.

Hey, I need that FUD discord link still. I could do a much better job than most of you. We need the coin to stsy down for some time still. In 1-2 months it will be the best time to overtake Bitcoin.

Bruh you must be braindead because it took me all of 2 mins to transfer to my wallet

The technology isn't thoroughly tested or robust - this isn't an investment coin it's a everyday usage coin. Have fun losing your coins in a few months of non-use.

guys i cant believe noone noticed the cup and handle formation that xrb has we gon muun

Tbh it's probably the opposite that happens where there's a discord of xrb shills that monitors every xrb thread on Veeky Forums. Reading the same comments in these threads from earlier threads posted yesterday.

It's a nice idea but kind of dumb not to include any kind of prophet model. I can run a wallet for Spectre and get 5% annually. That's not much but it's something. With this you getting nothing. Communism doesn't work.

Legit no volume on this coin, ever

Keep up the fud I am buying all the way down, I toss 1k a week into this coin. It will completely replace LTC for arbitrage . Does not matter for anything else that is just a bonus, every new exchange means more arbitrage usage. Lower fees and under 5 minutes to move money, nothing touches it and will not for some time for exchange to exchange money.

Gonna take some time to dig out of the pits, but arbitrage demands will put it at 100 by end of year.

40 by Feb 100 by March 200-500 EOY

Where can buy tote bag?


the thing about this coin is that the team isn't a 1.9 billion dollar team or company. this was just some dude's project that he just got some other devs on. he had to prove the worth of his coin and what did colin do? he went on vacation. that is not a multi billion dollar team move

Buying a memecoin at ATH,
gets rekt when it crashes down

You deserve everything if you fell for it

the people who devloped raiblocks probably had different plans for the month of december and january and didnt expect it to take off so suddenly so now they are in the spotlight severly under staffed and are trying to make ends meet working all hours of the day and night to push the rebrand wallet node issues etc.. come back in a year , dont sweat it