Thinking of selling some Ven to buy ICX as their mainnet launches today, and I don't see Ven increasing in value that much for a few days. Thoughts?
Thinking of selling some Ven to buy ICX as their mainnet launches today...
ven is shit just sell all of it
ven has an event literally in a few hours you noob
Why is it shit, they have lots of partnerships.
yea, VEN is absolutely worthless. I've lost so much money on this shitcoin. It's a good move, OP :) Godspeed!
yeah i would sell. it can only go down from here
They also have no github available to view, inb4 chinese vaporware ponzi scheme. Don't trust the Chinese, go with the Koreans.
exactly, sell now op. not worth the risk of getting scammed
I didn't say it was worthless, I meant that it increased so much this week that it probably will stay at the $8 range for a few days.
Sell faggot sell
Buys high, sells low. Shittrader
Ven is done. It's going to trade horizontal for a bit before hitting the ski slopes. Screencap this.
fucking KEK, i love this degeneracy
VEN is done, I don’t think any more news or interest will be associated with it for awhile. On to the next coin!!
>muh parsnips
kys VENfag
PwC, DVNGL, Kuehne literal who unpronounceable trash companies
Shit tier Bait
Guess what bro, Tron also has alot of 'partnerships' time to all in, the only Chinese coin I see with real value atm is NEO. but poorfags don't wanna buy in.
You don't deserve to go to Venhalla just for asking that stupid fucking question.
Why buy $150 coin when I can get one for $8 ? You cucks make me laugh
God it's about to go parabolic. I've seen that pattern before.
Hahaha so you admit you buy cheap vaporware coins just because its cheap and you're a poorfag. Dont worry, there are alot of deluded retards like you that pump the price.
>Probably refuse to buy Eth at $50
You dick less fag , let me guess you probly don't even have a bag of TRX do you? Get rekt noob
>he didn't buy VEN at .20 cents
>he didn't buy VEN at $1
>he didn't buy VEN at $3
>he didn't buy Ven at $5
>he didn't buy VEN at $8
>he didn't buy VEN at $20
>he didn't buy VEN at $50
>he didn't buy VEN at $100
>he didn't buy VEN at $250
>he didn't buy VEN at $350
>he didn't buy VEN at $500
>he didn't buy VEN at $750
it's not too late
And I have 6k figures of tel. So eat my tits
Deluded Venfag. I have around 48k ICX. It's gonna moon by Jan end. Screen cap this
TRX and TEL, I am gonna assume you are just Larping, if not, please don't breed, there are too many double digit IQs in the world already.
Can you read? In tel alone I have 6k figures of tolkins , so watch your tone with me
That's it. We're done guys.
Raiden is a poor farmer.
>kike rating agency
Are you surprised?