I am going all in... Up to now I only played around with money I could afford to lose. 50% ETH 50% BTC, withdraw in a year.
Today is the day
Based Jewfu
Seven out line away.
Good timing user, market's about to explode again.
If you're serious about withdrawing in a year (leave 10% in just in case, obv) take both your btc and mew wallets on paper.
Leave nothing on your pc lest you be tempted etc
>If you're serious about withdrawing in a year (leave 10% in just in case, obv) take both your btc and mew wallets on paper.
Good idea, thanks
You're going to kick yourself when you could have gone 25% VEN 25% NEO 25% XLM 25% ICX and made 50x your money.
Still margins for NEO to grow? Seriously? XLM might take much more time...
wait one more week and go all in on JNT you retard
Never heard about it
What’s the fastest way to get $50k worth of ven? My coinbase limits are too low
damn im like 60% xlm and i still think thats a good portfolio
>boomer portfolio
buy $100k today
I don’t even know how to buy $50k lmao I’ve only put a few grand into ven and it’s done well so just figured fuck it put 50 in and check back in a year
Not a good idea
As in bad time to enter or as in look for another crypto?
Good time, but please diversify
I have about 10k invested that I diversified and everything but VEN and ETH fucked me over which made me really regret diversifying, would have made much more going all in on VEN but I do understand this might not always be the case, thanks I will probably keep a good amount in eth
OP we are gonna have to talk about that picture, why don't you have a seat?
Best part is she is clearly a hospital patient
What why?
What's the problem?
I know that feel, but in the long term I think it's better to be a bit safer
Severe chestletitis.
realistically if I follow what you say, with like 2000$ how much could I expect EOY or summer?