>tfw your community manager has a wife with a black son
Tfw your community manager has a wife with a black son
You should short your community
You should kill him for his own good. Also what the fuck is a community manager?
>tfw I have no idea what a community manager is but it sounds gay so that makes sense
It gives Sergey plausible deniability
what the fuck is a community manager? and, do you think his wife still cucks him? i dont know, that would be cute if the son grew up to love the community manager. sort of like dale gribble and joseph
community managers do social media and forums and shit for companies. it's a job that wouldn't exist in a white ethnostate.
>tfw she was a widow
>tfw her black son came from her marriage to a highly-decorated marine who died in service to his country
Fighting in the desert for a pack of jews isnt particularly honourable user
So fucking what? At least he got a family and you're still a pathetic little manchild.
This. She is a coalburner and a betrayer of her own kind. In better times she'd be ostracised and left to fend for her own. In even better times.. well, kill the mutant, burn the heretic, purge the unclean.
wow. may the marine rest in peace.
that means hes a beta and you can take his job if you play your cards right
>marrying used goods
It should be illegal for widows and widowers to remarry.
If you're not transmitting your genes, you don't have a family.
Are you saying that in jest, or would you be interested in a civilisation ressembling the Empire in 40k Warhammer ?
Respond for two scenario :
1) you are given freedom of choice in your position in the organisation of your choice
2) Hive world commoner
I invite anyone alse to also respond, and thank you for your time,
t:normal curious human
tfw your white smalldick anxiety is so intense it shapes your politics
The average human has demonstrated time and time again that they can not handle personal freedom responsibly. Freedom of the common man inevitably ends in degeneracy. Feudalism maintains culture and honor because only the worthy are allowed the privilege of freedom.
Well a hive City would sort manlet and thots quick enough and we would be left between autists
Spotted the single mom with a nigglet.
I really can't imagine what a sad lonely existence you would have to lead for this to be an actual thought in your brain let alone to actually go on a internet cartoon forum and make a thread about it. Jesus that's sad
the answer is yes. he should dump them. he should dump them and be miserable and lonely and maybe find another woman later but that he never really enjoys being with to the same extent. he should prioritize and enlargen the conceptual obsessions that leads to this decision and he should feel very bad about the relationship that now gives him joy and he should be forever bitter about it afterwards.
it's what ugandan knuckles would do
What the hell is a "community manager"?
Is that a communist thing?
>only the worthy are allowed the privilege of freedom.
who is worthy? The ones born at the top or the bottom?
You racist insecure little shits need to go back to /pol
Do you really think financial institutions want to back a token memed by rascits?
Grow the fuck up, in the real world most people don't fucking care. If all your sorry ass has is some "community" on the autistnet, you are SOL.
I dont get the joke, can someone explain to me why everyone is triggered
hey hey heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
I looooooooooooooooooooooove
Obama was a community manager lmao, apparently it makes you qualified for being POTUS.
so wait were supposed to call social media experts, who are niggers, community managers?
Because money is color blind, and no one wants to business with assholes
so dont take business from community managers?
There a word for people who spew constant pejorative bull shit Like OP: "asshole" And every smart business man knows that assholes are bad for business.
on this boadd, It does not fucking matter whether you are black, white, Asian, gay, or straight.
All that fucking matters is getting rich; and, again, money is color-blind
c'mon bro
This board is full of lowlife white trash edgy autistic social outcasts who probably got bullied by blacks growing up and now spend all their time trapped in their heads thinking about shit like this because they have nothing better going on in their lives.
They use race as a self-affirming defense mechanism to counteract the subconscious reality of how much of a loser they actually are.
>discounting the fact that he was a U.S. Senator
That's what a colored subhuman would say though.
Is your community manager Black?
And you choose to marginalize their needs further?
That'll help.
I'm a white guy who has sold products at an international level.
The only color I care about is green.
I said that in half-jest. I don't know enough of the WH40k universe to answer your question to your satisfaction I think, I only crossed paths with it a couple times, but I liked the memes.
I do think that our current society is weak as fuck. I don't think that widespread rampant murder/warfare is the solution for it, but strong convictions and harsh judgements would certainly be necessary.
I mean I'm okay with feudalism, mostly because it honors given words. I fucking hate that oaths aren't taken seriously in our time and age. I will have sworn 2 oaths in my entire life (the second will be my marriage vows) and I intend to keep both.
This. I pray for that day when we can take to the streets and rid our homelands, for which our ancestors died and bled for, of these invading sandnigger/nigger hoardes.
No, no he isn't and a lot of individuals have invested in a project he is involved with. I don't want to out him here as people would link back to the identity of the project
Fuck off you nigger faggot this board is now only for the white man to
Get rich so he can keep out degenerate brown people and their sympathizers like yourself. If this board banned non whites we wouldn’t have so many colored people shilling their shit coins.
thanks rory
Found the cuck/nigger/coalburner
Fighting in the desert for Jews in order to get the acceptance of the white is pathetic too but you must respect
>I’m a (((white))) guy
Who could be behind this post?