I wanna dump this shit so bad

I wanna dump this shit so bad...

Just bought low waiting for it to become top 5


I have a feeling this is not going any where but down

>he fell for the memecoin
>waiting to dump just like all other bag holders


face it you were the one who was dumped on

This is literally the most shitcoin in history of cryptocurrency with a development team which cant fuck it up bigger.

it will be burried after binance listing and i am not a fucking pajeet i bought XRB at 4€ and 6,5€ so don´t fuck with me it is just the truth

this coin is shit

I'm sure you're just saying that because the price is down, that being said, it won't move much until the nodes are fully optimized, after which it will be listed on Binance. If you wanna make some bets on other coins, you have time until the listing.

I bought this shit at $34. Definitely my worst decision this year.

I didn't sell at 34, also worst decision this year

Same, I dropped $750 @ $32, thinking that it would be listed on binance like a week after the vote, expecting a quick 2x or 3x by the end of January. Nope, now I'm down almost -60%, the technical issues still haven't been resolved, and it probably won't be on binance for another week? 2 weeks? Month? Who the fuck knows. I fell for the reddit hype.


>Whats marketcap
>Being this retarded

Sell now
Follow the github
When you see actualy fix for node syncing issue, if ever
Then buy ticket to the moon

They've already fixed it lol. Now they switched their priority to the modern wallets for all platforms. The one for ios is almost ready.

They will.implement code into github when fix is 100%. They have been incredibly straightforward with community unlike 99% of crypto devs

$3.5k at $27. Convinced the rebrand and Binance launch were imminent. My first buy in was at $4 though so still up but Jesus.

Weak hands die first.
Don't come crying when we go to the moon.

If anyone falls for this FUD they deserve what they get. Notice how these threads get a quick 15-20 replies that are all FUD and then real users start posting? Some discord group is trying to accumulate cheap. Notice all of the images they made for it? This shit is easy to spot.

I'm still holding, I'm confident that the price will eventually recover back to at least $35

Im not fudding on behalf of some pajeet discord group. I'm just venting frustration over my worst performing investment.

29 dollar bag holder here, serves me fucking right for FOMO buy ... what was i thinking lol 10000% gain, whew lad it will propably go to 20000% ....
In any case it is a pure piece of shit, oh wow what can it do ... it is a fucking currency. We didnt have any of those yet. I'm gonna still hold em just for shits and giggles but man....

Thank god I cashed out half my stack at 25 dollar, I was really doubting to sell because of muh binance listing but praise jeebus I sold.

I sold it a week ago, now have my phone set up for Binance tweet alarms. Will buy it again 5 min after it hits Binance. Until then, it will most probably go down. Unless Binance insider trading starts early.

Veeky Forums has started to talk more and more about Rai recently... I wonder why the sudden interest again?

This was only high because its on easy manipulated exchanges. When it goes on binance expect to see a dump towards 2-3. Then a slow rise again

Bought this at $3.50 and $12. Will likely buy more if it stays at $15 for a while.

All jokes aside, this will become THE trading coin between exchanges once it hits binance. It's got hit by the recent crypto crash like every other coin and there's been a lot of FUD regarding nodes etc.. But if we're talking raw potential to explode in 2018, then only XLM can compete with XRB really.

I'm not selling until it's at least $100, which I guarantee it will be within 6 months (and thats a very conservative estimate)

dump, please

Ye, im sure it has nothing to do with the biggest pump and dump memecoin of 2017. Its like selling a car made out of paper and people buying it because its faster than the metal variants. Its hilarious and people who bought into the meme deserve every shitpost because of it.
But ye , i-i-i-its because of all the f-f-fud right ??? ha-haha right guis??

>still holding
Same. Not even stressed. I hold with absolute confidence and frankly if one can't see the potential of XRB, they need to kill themselves ASAP.

Damn, the days of late November were the best here for Rai. I got in thanks to Veeky Forums shilling XRB with the nazi memes before plebbit had any idea of it. Can't seem to find the images now.
Does anyone have the image with XRB SS officers executing some coin (I think it was BTC) begging on the ground?

lmao, you should be stressed.
This shitcoin is a dumpster fire only kept alive by bag holders.

you remind me of ETH FUDders from early 2017

have fun cashing out on memegrail lol.

First biz had the nazi/vikings memes for XRB, then came the chad memes...

...and once the normies from reddit started to shill, we got the unimaginative rocket pics. No wonder there was a crash. Looking at the current interest again in Veeky Forums, the cycle of awareness is starting again.

Just double topped on KuCoin and falling through the support line.
Sorry your speculation isn't going to be worth diddly in a month.



You're right, being able to move only 10BTC worth of funds out per day, this is gonna take forever.

Should lurk on Veeky Forums more. You would have seen it

>this will become THE trading coin between exchanges once it hits binance
Who cares what coin you use when it costs $10 in fees to withdraw from binance. You might as well use ripple for arbitrage