New job

>new job
>work in small IT office
>do almost nothing all day, browse the web 50% of the time
>still much freetime
>get 3k each month

I get $ 8,000.00 per month for working between 4 - 16 hours per week. Boredom is killing me.

Reported to your boss loser

My country was like this in 2008. Then the crisis happened, and all the desk workers were fired.

>New job
>Work in Hilton Hotel as night audit
>Do almost nothing all day, browse the web 70% of the time
>Still much freetime
>Get 1.5k each month

Not doing as well as you but I make enough to invest into crypto and it's nice being able to browse Veeky Forums and binance at work.

lul I get 5k for doing 15 min work and then I browser pornhub I also get a car paid by the company + free lunch ;)

>tfw work at Amazon
>only have 5 minutes to go the bathroom or get written up (it's on a timer)
>tracked everywhere you go, so the moment you stop working for 1 minute you get yelled at
>x-ray scanner on the way out, wasting 10 minutes of your break time
>takes another 10 minutes just to walk to the break room
>not allowed to bring ANYTHING into the building but the clothes on your back or you get fired


>mfw I don't work
>Mfw I just sit on my ass while passive income brings in ~12k per month
Feels good to be born with inheritance

this is exactly what i wanted to apply for.

whats ur degree?

lol why are you doing a job designed for robots?


Because nothing else over here pays over 16 an hour without a degree and my car is wrecked so this is the only place where I can actually walk to work. There's an Amazon program that pays for your schooling so I'm going to be doing that and go to tradeschool to get away from this hell.

what trade ?welding?

I haven't decided yet, but likely welding or becoming an electrician. The problem is the program only pays for certain degrees, most of them being IT or nursing, which I have no interest in.

Just buy more money, dude. It's easy.

Don't do welding brah. Do mechanical fitting (fixing water pumps and engines and shit). Sure I'm a welder on $50/hr right now but only ever casual and jobs few and far between. Never come across a full time job past 4 years. First to go when things get quiet. Remember things always need fixing but they aren't always making things (which is 95% of welding)I'm Starting associate degree in engineering (Mechatronics) in a week for 2 years just to GET A FUCKING JOB.

>work for overachieving asian woman
>juggling 4-5 projects every day
>everything is always on fire, schedules are stillborn every time
>no benefits, no health insurance, no vacation, never any bonus

"You're an architecture, you must love your job dont you user? You must get so much experience"

I didnt burn out. I just became mentally numb over time, and a couple months ago I just quit on a whim and now gamble my savings away on crypto.

>worked an unpaid internship
>made twice as much as the people actually working there trading magic the gathering cards and crypto

>6 year Hotel Night Audit veteran
>Only just got back into crypto a few months ago

I've wasted so much time I could of been hitting the market. Not this time. 2018 or bust.

fuck off pajeet

I remember you from the other day.

Fuck of pajeet

federal government?

Don't have one, just have a good work history and my boss finds me attractive.

Hell yeah my dude, we have a great wage slave job for it.

Hi user.

Why aren't you in an indirect yet, you fucking loser?
I make CPTs, do what I want, never pack or pick, and fuck your mom. If you aren't AT LEAST indirect or really a tier 3 you're a FUCKING LOSER slime who will be replaced with machines. Get your shit together.

These kind of jobs aren't comfy. I'm so tired of doing nothing for 40 hours a week.

>>get 3k each month
That's less than 0.3BTC a month.

Why would you work for that instead of getting it from doing one or two trades??

bitcoin has no worth, wake up kiddo

ok so if I gave you 1BTC you'd just get rid of it right?

fuck off pajeet

Fuck you faggot I was indirect during peak season, during slow season in pick there are only a handful of people doing indirect or everyone just gets VTO. I applied for tier 3 a few times, but niggers keep getting them due to HR never hiring whitey.

>3k a month
kek, i'm getting $2.5k per month right now just for holding ARK and NEO even when the market is crashed to the fucking bottom

What makes you think fiat backed by literally nothing has worth then?