Worst type of Veeky Forumsposters

Pajeets are close but imo the fucking kids who go "why isnt this coin that just mooned 400% and that I fomod into going up anymore"

people like you desu. just ignore them kiddo.

1, 3, 2 but they looked underage... shouldn't be a problem though right? I'm holding eth

slutposters are worst of all

/b/ tier OPs who use whores to bait replies

White males who fomoed in January and think they'll make it

>"hey, it's my second year of uni and I have a million verge xD! I'm just thinking like wow ya know how did this happen, me, faggatron, getting rich"

/pol/ crossboarders who don't understand that not every board is /pol/

Fucking hate poorfags begging in every thread.

/pol/ scum and pajesh


/pol/ turds

those girls look like disgusting chavs

australian sluts

>colorbond fence and roof
>yellow bins

Veeky Forumstards who got mad crypto gainz in 2017 (bull-market) and thinking they are top investors

burgers, yuropoors, pajeets, /pol/fags and (((them)))

he has really good face shape, imagine if he was buff, the ultimate chad

How young are those fucking girls.

Jesus Christ lads, sluts start early now.

The ones who use girls as pictures.

Agreed. He has nice cheekbones and jawline. At least eat until he's not underweight, but yeah he could easily be Chad.

kek, straya sluts (Can tell by the yellow bin lid, the steel fence and they have too many teeth)

Non whites

if those were my daughters i would probably be drinking every night

how much btc for these grils

worst of the worst are discord and referal pajeets. desperate people.

2nd worst are wojak-fudders

3rd worst are people like you - fucking normies who got in 2017 december and pretend to be crypto elitists. fucking normies.