what you do with a billion dollars Veeky Forums?
What you do with a billion dollars Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Buy as much bitcoin as I can
>Sell them all at once and crash the market
>Laugh at all the wojaks and suicide threads on Veeky Forums
>trips in ID
This means something
How do I know those pallets don't just have $50's on top and a bunch of ones underneath.
I'm not falling for your shit OP
this but with shitcoins is my unironical plan when I make it - pnd for fun, not profit.
Save the white race from degeneracy
>buy all kneepad-factories to get a monopoly
>increase price by 100,000%
>crash btc to the ground
>get a quintillion dollars
I would do nothing, I would sit on my ass all day and just do nothing.
Actually I change my answer.
Buy every LINK in existence
Impregnate as many jap and white women as possible
Guarantee my genes for many generations
Quite simple, become the 3rd bogdanoff..
Sorry on ph, i hab shops of me on laptop but at work.
>crash a 186B market with 1B
>a market with 9B movement daily
Turn into the shitcoin's blue whale, 1/100 of sub 100 million market caps, up to 1000 coins, the rest into normie shit, like bimbos and lambos.
First I'd buy some real estate in safe and secure parts of the world, like Switzerland, to protect the value of my shekels.
Only decent answer so far.
lol good one, cracked me up
goddamn they're so fucking ugly I can't comprehend it , wtf is wrong with those Bogdanoff freak shows
I'd buy 10 African Lions and release them at my local Walmart
Well you could marketsell a couple thousand on the biggest exchanges each and if the timing is right, like right now where nobody knows where we will go you could easily cause a little panic if the price dips by 2000 in one minute.
And then use the rest of the money to bail out of jail
This tbqh famalam:
ur mom
This, establish a website, jerk off twice a day (perhaps pay a prost to help), collect the semen.
Let females around the world order the semen, offer them 10K$ if they can produce a child, which a DNA test can reveal is your biological child.
By 2050, around 1-5% of the population in Russia and Eastern Europe, is your biological children.
Buy fuckload of NEO and live off GAS
I would start a music label and travel the world to sign unknown metalcore/deathcore/hardcore bands.
make good cartoons and be the savior of /co/
Did you know metalheads are the most pathetic cucks around?
Were you in that thread the other day?
I can feel the insecurity from here
create a overseas tax, patent & drug testing haven
a whole lot of nothing. i would do this nothing mostly on beaches and near lakes.
Fund the making of VR games in my shithole 3rd world country and make it a pioneer in VR
>186B market
Do you really think there's 186B in liquidity? A 100k BTC market sell would trigger such degree of panic sells and stop losses that would crash the market overnight
I would probably buy a comfy little apartment in a city of some asian country, like Japan, Hong Kong or Singapore and shitpost for the next 60 years.
Invest 0.5B in good flats/mansions
0.25B into upkeep (mainly the housekeeper payment for the first few months)
The last 0.25B would be for whores and blow and a diverse recreational portfolio
If i'd survive longer than 1 year, well i'd do some it-security company stuff
give it to so called terrorists in the middle-east who oppose the judenstaat.
I distribute to fiat exchanges next January 10th and buy the dip, helping all those weak hands and tax cucks to cash out!
Live in constant fear of losing everything, like every other rich person.
I'd do this too. I'd make non-degenerate jew-free 1930s style cartoon shorts and establish a tv station to play my cartoons all day for children and stoners.
Rape my daughter, then kill her and abduct the child resulted from incest. Get away with it because im rich
Buy a parcel of land in some third world nation then pay to have an enormous statue built in my honour.