Are you guys actually retarded? you guys are only catching onto Tether while this kid called everything out MONTHS AGO!
Im getting tired of your Autism Veeky Forums
Are you guys actually retarded? you guys are only catching onto Tether while this kid called everything out MONTHS AGO!
Im getting tired of your Autism Veeky Forums
Are you retarded?
Veeky Forums has been warning about Tether since what, Halloween of last year or sooner?
Heard about it since August already
we know tether will destroy bitcoin user.
And I remember on the poloniex trollbox back in May people were warning not to get into Tether as the tokens weren't redeemable and the thing could crash any time
March on the printing machine, though Bitfinexed has been the subject of quite some threads since years ago
yawn old news
He actual started in JULY to FUD the shit out of it.
He sold his btc for around 1k and wanted a refund. Bitfinex even sued that full time twitter fag.
He will try everything to hurt bitfinex. Even the FUD campaign right now is most likely paid by him.
It's because the only time Tether is really relevant is when they print like crazy every time there is a dip in order to match the increased demand for Tether in order to prevent the price inflation.
fuck off brad
There were a bunch of corecucks actively denying it here back then. They drowned out every bad opinion of Tether.
cmon biz if we band together and pretend this isn't real we can fuck ourselves and everyone else over.
What did you expect from a site that prides itself in refusing to use "normie" sites outside 4chins? Especially Veeky Forums consider ignorance and hugbox info sharing a mark of pride.
>they print like crazy every time there is a dip in order to match the increased demand for Tether in order to prevent the price inflation
not at all how it works
Actually... that's exactly how it works.
Your denial phase and delution thanks to bitfinexed is disgusting
Prove it you fucking faggot
I'm not fudding tether, you just have no fucking idea how it works
>Burden of proof is the duty of a Party in a trial to produce the evidence that will prove the claims they have made against the other party.
Now i have to proof something? Fuck you have reformed the whole law system. Thanks for your insight.
OP is a december newfag calling his fellow newfags autists
And that's coming from a March 2017 newfag
You're the one who made a claim retard
actually, people parking they money in fiat has been using teher as a weapon of FUD ever since it appeared, with litrelally 0 basis
then they convenitently stop once they get back in, and restart once sold again and so on and son
i mean literally, the only thing those people say 'teher isn't back 1 to 1 to usd'.
meanwhile, noone ever had any issues with cashing out tether. the november audit discovered a less than 2% liquidity difference.
>noone ever had any issues with cashing out tether
you cannot "cash out" tether you fucking retard
new money enters crypto during bull runs, then during dips, instead of converting to fiat, new money converts to USDT
there is increased need for new USDT to be printed
so new USDT is printed
Also, no one needs to cash out from USDT directly into USD, they just convert back to BTC/ETH and then to USD
87m 24h Volume - USDT / USD
Another fiat gate at Kraken
>Not possible to cash out - are you even serious?
So bitfinexed is just a butthurt nocoiner?