Just realized biz is picking up because all the aussie / kiwi shitposters just got off work.
What are you cunts holding. lets do a strawpoll: strawpoll.me
Just realized biz is picking up because all the aussie / kiwi shitposters just got off work.
What are you cunts holding. lets do a strawpoll: strawpoll.me
Oi cunt, you ready for straya day?
Or you a change the date poofter?
hodling ufr m8, any aucklanders here?
It's almost 11pm what type of gay fuckin jobs do you drongos have just fuck off cunt
i got off 6 hours ago
Posting from a Middle Eastern shithole, ausfag though. Holding ven, ICX, link, waiting on Jibrel
Hold invasion day cunts
why are you in a shithole ausanon?
Thought it would be funny to apply to study in one and actually ended up here
If australia day gets shifted im gonna hardfork this country
Guys we should change the date. What the fuck does it matter? If it helps some people feel better about being stuck on this blazing fucking rock while we all go down at the mercy of these fuckwit cuck pollys whats the harm?
Chea the boiz kiwifag here in eurostan
Lower Hutt scoundrel in crypto
well of luck to ya
i'll fuckin protest those cunts if they do, fuck the greens
it's a matter of fucking pride, you can't change what happen in the past so just let it be. Keep the date the same and think of the past, future and what could be done about those petrol sniffer abos
changing the date will only make cunts feel good for minute then bitch more, if we change it. it's a slippy slope for more actions to support those useless cunts.
It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job user, keep up the good work
Neblio ya cunts cos its gonna be the next fuckin NEO.
HST cos then the fuckin left cunts will quite their bitching that our mate Abbott didn't win the fuckin election fair and square (fuck off Shorten ya fuckin dingbat).
Matrix AI cos the fuckin wong wangs are gonna pump billions into it instead of fuckin Aussie real estate. Hopefully this means I'll be able to afford a fucken donga with my missus and mutt.
New AUS day will be May 8th, mate.
This place is ruled by rapefugees and SJW's.
Me? What can I say. I am a literal pajeet who came to your country and nutted inside an ugly white woman dumb enough to date me.
Fuck you white people
>This place is ruled by rapefugees and SJW's.
Which shit house city are you living in? Is this a Melbourne thing?
Yeah gidday cunts
If you lads give in on the date they will move onto their next goal. Ultimately pic related will be your flag.
Just remind them that unfortunately was the age of empire and they were weak and ripe for the taking. They were lucky to have been taken by the most benevolent colonial power.
Neo isn’t done being neo yet you jeet
No more than a dog being fed scraps at a table lad.
of course, must defend british/true australia at all fucking costs. If shit gets too bad might consider going american sadly
Murica is even more of a melting pot if that's what you're trying to get away from. Why do you think the far right is rising over there? They're fucking terrified. I've lived in Yurop, Burgerland and Straya and can tell you for certain this place is the best option by far.
>Excludes Canada
are we even real?
idk, just seemed like an possible option
i'm on the semi rural outskits of the city so everyone is white and life is good for now. consider instead consider buying some cheap rural land away from the wogs
>Australia day in a shit month with shit BBQ weather
I know it will happen eventually but yeah nah
Not to mention the people suggesting this date have probably never had the word mate leave their mouth
Work is boring, I quit and just shit post 24/7, though I've been here for 2 years so you know I have no reason to actually try anymore.
>speak highly of cultural-wasteland
You cunts boomers or what?
Black fellas had better standard of living 300 years ago than the vast majority of 30< year olds without inheritance or an early baleen-draw of OMG can be expecting. I hope you cunt's been taking care of ya'sells.
Fuck changing the date,
>Buy land/Bitcorns a bubble
Who the fuck can buy land here anymore? We priced everyone but the chinks out.
Cultural diversity doesn't bother me user. But I just breed with my own. Must be my rural upbringing.
Future millionaire here cunts, holding ICX/AXP
Because the more ground we give, the closer our entire culture is to destruction.
it bothers me a bit, you enjoy being with your own people I guess. And other people thinking they are better then our people plus this whole pc culture of no care for white people makes it hate the others
noice. same here. You holding JNT throughout the year?
Yeah probably, it's only a tiny percentage of my portfolio so I'll let it stew for a while and hope something comes of it.