Thoughts on this comic? A lot of people say reading it changed their life.
Thoughts on this comic? A lot of people say reading it changed their life
>Richard starts to believe he's on top
Massive fucking leap of logic there.
>"I hope not. I really hope not"
Fuck this reddit-tier garbage
Richard's parents are depictured as resourceful and successful, probably because they are more intelligent than Paula's parents, whom are depictured less successful.
Intelligence is highly heritable, hence Richard will most likely be more intelligent than Paula. Which is the primary reason behind Richards greater success in life.
Imagine if Paula was adopted at birth, by Richard's parents - would she then fare as well as Richard, when she became an adult?
No adoption studies have shown, that adopted children tend to closer allign in income with their biological parents - rather than there adoptive parents.
This comicstrip shows what's wrong with feminism. 6 million children die every year because of malnutrition but I am the one with the tough life because I didn't go to a private school, I didn't get paid for my college and I have to work a job.
A good comic, but anons will want to be edgy about it
reading this shouldn't change your life because you should already have acknowledged this by the time you became an adult
As Rawls said in "A Theory of Justice", meritocracy is not a fair system, mainly because some people can exert more effort than other, be it because of genetic or social reasons. Regardless, it the most fair system, because it doesn't exclude anyone.
It's important to realise that meritocracy is not a fair system, and try to mend it's injustice as much as we can, but people that actively speak out against meritocracy are just dumb.
>6 million children die every year because of malnutrition but I am the one with the tough life because ...
What a shitty logic, there will always be someone that has it worse than you, that doesn't invalidate that you have it worse than other people, and possible worse than most people in your country.
For most people they have no means to "get ahead" in life, their entire life will revolve around doing shitty jobs and long hours, just to maintain an acceptable standard of living.
This comic strip falls into those that believe that the underlying reason for this is environmental.
This is wrong, it is for the most part nature, your genetic composition and how your genes are hardwired to be expressed, which determine your success in life.
This is agitprop (a work of fiction) is just a thinly veiled emotional appeal to nurture over nature when in reality the heritability for IQ is between 60-80% for adults and is the single best predictor of long term economic success.
The "tragedy" portrayed within this comic is that while both the boy and girl have about the same level of intelligence the boy was more successful because he grew up in a wealthier family. The artist is clearly a child emotionally and hasn't yet come to terms with the fact that equity is a 20th century fantasy that cannot be manifest in the material world.
Well turns out having high IQ parents pays off.
Wealth is directly corellated with IQ. Deal with it poorfags. (you are reddit tiier scum)
I don’t understand this reddit faggotry.
Can someone explain to me why Richard doesn’t deserve to be on top?
Yes he started closer to top, but it doesn’t diminish his hard work.
It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job user, keep up the good work
wtf? i actually wrote that just now.. I suppose great minds think a like..
>getting memed on
No one is saying he doesn't deserve to be compensated for his effort, the critic is because he thinks he did it without help and solely on his effort, when in reality he was very privileged and had a leg up every step of the way.
#spoiler# A year later the guy is still wageslaving and dies from heart attack all alone. The girl just fucked a rich dude on the party and gets pregnant, lives comfy.
Someone should shop a star of David on the clothes of Richard's parents/employers/party and change his name to Aaron. No need to change his nose, looks fine at least in the last panel.
I come from a super poor family. If you think that being the only kid in class who couldn't afford tutors (not kidding, I was the only one) had any impact on my education you are wrong. You see, bacause I wasn't retarded I went to the library and studied myself. What I noticed people who would be losers anyway love to blame it on the fact that others are 'privledged' (my parents do it). Unless there are no public schools and public libraries (and public healthcare) in your country there is equal opportunity. If you cannot open open a textbook and learn by yourself I'm sorry to tell you there is nothing that would help you.
>Richard will most likely be more intelligent than Paula
>Richard scores a B+ in a private school
>Paula scores a B
People today will act like some gay hastag changed their lives to. So this doesn’t surprise me.
Well, that depends on the school's standard of quality, if he goes to a really good school it's likely that it also has higher expectations of their student, making it probable that is B is actually better than her B+.
Her poorfag cuck parents dont push her towards improving on that B.
Finishing second = finishing last
Paula has to go back.
>Paula bought crypto
>Richard didn't
>Tables have suddenly turned
Did you read the comic, it says why her B is judged as a good thing by their parents, and their reasoning is completely understandable.
>most likely
most likely != always
not 100%
>super poor family
>has time to study instead of working at a job to help support family
Yes, but there is always someone that has it better than you. The Problem are people that can't grasp that just by beeing born in a first world country you (mostly) already made it big. Instead they complain that they are "only" better of than 99.999% of the world than 99.9999%.
>Richard falls in love with Paola
>They have to overcome their class prejudices toward each other.
>Eventually they get married
>Paola give birth to their son
>Richard dies in the car crash.
>Paola rises her son trying to make sure his father’s death will not affect his future echoing her own adolescence
>Ryan Gosling as Richard
>Rachel McAdams as Paola
Every woman will cry out her eyes raking 500m in box office.
except that's stupid, you are responsible for your own education
you can't blame teachers or class sizes for doing shit work
Getting good grades in a low-expectation school is easier than getting good grades in a good school where everybody is pushed.
Even if it was harder, thats just even more reason to push for success even more.
>every (white) successful male had richard's life
>this is what feminists believe
the suicide, death, job-difficulty, homelessness and poverty rates, alone, put this whole idea in the shitter.
They're both wage slaves
Wahhh Wahhh life should be fair! We're all equal, we all bleed red, maaaaan! Successful people need to be taxed at 90% and the proceeds given to the poor!
>reddit the comic
Absolutely no one said this here and neither did the author.
oh no, parents shouldnt be allowed to give their kids help! everybody should be equally poor and stupid!
THERE's the biz I know and love
"im allowed to get upset over a papercut because that's something major relative to my life experiences"
Someone post that shitty fitness comic this guy did...
whoa... reallyl...... makes.... you......t..h..h..i..n.....*dies of reddit overdose*
Wow really makes me think. All these poor wagecucks and their poor hard life. So sad. Really hits me in the heart. Drives home the point. Wow, emotional.
Now literally fuck off.
Except go back a couple generations and that could be Richards grandparents on the right.
Aye. Richard is a Jew.
Casting blame doesn't make you rich, gotcha
To reply with the words of someone I met (oil consulting company owner)
"Just make sure that you are upper class"
Thats it. So simple :)
nonono user. All white men have been exploiters for eternity
Does pretending work?
Having cool clothes and shit like the niggers did in 1970?
My bad please forgive.
>Paula's poorfag parents are white too
>White men
Trust a poltard to always make himself the victim in every circumstance.
There are always going to be richards and Paulas; nothing is going to stop this from happening.
Might as well be a Richard.
Yea and by then you will be bitter as hell too
There's no 'g' in whining
here's my experience from an upper middle class family in a socialist country
>parents work from 7am to 8pm because hard work is how they got where they are
>little sisters die as a newborn due to medical malpractice, sucks but hey that's life
>go to private school, get top grades
>school enrolls me to some program where they put the best students with the worst students
>whole classroom held back, because "the best will lift up the worst" schemes never work, especially applied to teenagers
>try out for top schools in HS
>never got to study most of the topics
>drop out of HS
>nobody gives a fuck
>try to apply for various jobs
>get rejected every time "you're too smart for this" "leave that spot to an african immigrant who needs it" "you should go to university"
>decide fuck it and earn money online
>get told i benefit from systemic privilege because of my socioeconomic status, skin color and gender, when everything i got was in an anonymous setting
meanwhile muslim immigrants in my country...
>parents are both on welfare, live comfortably and pop out more kids for more benefits
>little sisters die as a newborn due to complications from inbred genes, make a scandal on national TV saying doctors are racist, sue, get settlement money
>go to public school, get shit grades
>school enrolls them to some program where they get to go shake the president's hand for being model youths from places in need
>whole classroom held back because they're retards
>never bother to do anything in HS
>drop out
>social workers come to their home and ask what's wrong, how can they help, sign here here and here for gibs
>sling drugs
>cops look the other way because they know nothing will stick in court
>see mild criticism of pedogoat prophet
>decide fuck it and go shoot people
>get told it's not your fault and systematic racism from whites was the culprit
wonder who's going to make a comic like that
I´m not quit sure what do you mean?
He has a ton of money and lives in a pretty broken wood house though and runs around pullovers from the 60s :)
This really Takes my Noggin for a Joggin. As we all know the corporate world loves hiring people who got their Bc of their dads, and despises people who have experience working for a living. And university and an unpaid internship are the sole determiners of whether or not I’m going to fucking hire you. Absolutely disgusting. Will take a woman who has actually worked over some soyjack pretty boy a n y. D a y .
My boss is a nigger. His mother is a ghetto rat. Of course he never knew his father. Boss is a stupid nigger but gives speeches to teens about work ethics. Corporate loves him. I do most of his work. I guess I'm the real nigger.
*hand rustling begins*
>I live in a black and white world
White men have been victimizing women of all colors for milennia!
>get rejected every time "you're too smart for this" "leave that spot to an african immigrant who needs it" "you should go to university"
Are you me?
I get the reasoning behind this comic but at the same time you CAN work yourself out of a bad situation.
t. someone who was born into a crackhouse that's now in a well-ranked Uni
I'm sorry you appear to be on the wrong site, Reddit is the other way.
I think in general wage slave parents have more time for their kids than people in upper social classes.
That's because true wage slaves clock out at 5 pm or whatever, and they're usually completely detached from work until they clock back in the next morning.
While people in upper social classes tend to have more responsibilities, even after normal working hours.
And I don't think there are many truly working class families where one or both parents have to work two jobs to support their family. This shit typically happens with single moms, who generally bring it on themselves.
Go to university idiots.
Use your parents connections.
Yeah but it's not easy. Imagine if the IQ for both is the same, the girl is still not likely to get as far.
Kek what garbage, I was into shitty public schools and got no tutoring whatsoever and still made it to the most prestigious uni of my country.
Brainlets need to fuck off, B is a garbage grade for school.
I don't understand that you don't understand
she got shit grades in high school and did shit in college, blamed everyone but herself and got a job being a waitress
why would you want a bitch like that
You don't even need that, just study at home. Public healthcare is for fat slobs, I haven't been to any doctor for 10 years and I'm far healthier than most people my age.
>paula detected
This is what people don’t realize. The benefits that Richard had are inherited with his parents effort. Which is the right thing to happen; it’s an extension of the individual liberty over his property. To help those he deem worthy or he loves.
This will obviously produce differences among generations, again, this is good. It shows that liberty is working.
> Imagine if the IQ for both is the same, the girl is still not likely to get as far.
oh no not everybody is born under the same exact circumstances! Better implement full communism ASAP!
what if you are a refugee
you still can work yourself into a good position?
and how likely is that?
I know you didn't write about that just wanted to say something
>It's an "all rich people are evil" episode much do you have to hate people with money, to make a comic illustrating that a child who grew up in a financially-stable environment will most certainly end up being some deluded asshole who was never aware of all the advantages he had in life?
I was raised poor in a black family in a Caribbean country; I have a high-school education and now I have a government job over here. But I look at the hate that rich white people get for being rich and white, and I'm amazed. Since when did America decide that all well-off whites are automatically assholes who look down on everybody and are unaware of their advantages over the common man?
The reaction to that Fyre Festival fiasco really disappointed me. The incident actually happened in my country. But I saw that many people online were making fun of the people who got scammed just because they were white and were well-off enough to afford it in the first place. People acted like those who got scammed deserved to have a little hardship because they were white people who spent their entire lives living off of daddy's money. If that scam had happened to "regular" people there was no way it would have gotten the same reaction
This is so fucking true. I know 2 kids who were adopted by very successful parents (father was COO of a big company)and were handed everything on a silver fucking platter, brand new clothes, cars, vacations, opportunities that they squandered (both dropped out of high school). The Dad bought his daughter and her junkie boyfriend a fucking house and pays for the other kids apartment. Neither of their adopted children even have jobs and are both over 24 years old, neither are very smart and both their real parents are basically poor fags with low IQ’s. They had every opportunity in the world and still
Became losers because they just aren’t very smart.
>high school dropout
>"Waaah waah, why is life so unfair"
kys my man
Some people are just unlucky
The bitch in the comic isn't one of them
u sound mad
this could easily have the genders switched. this is feminist logic at it’s finest i.e. shit tier. gr8 b8 m8
>you still can work yourself into a good position?
Coming to the west and collecting welfare already is them working themselves into a good position.
And we know through research that putting children into better socio-economic conditions can boost their IQ by as much as 20 points. We also know from research that it doesn't. And from other research that genes only account for 50% of a child's expected social mobility.
As it turns out, there's essentially no known good answer for whether intelligence is nature vs. nurture beyond the fact that we know both contribute. Like most jackasses who think they're smart, you probably did some cursory google searching, came to a conclusion based on article titles, and assumed you had an answer. You're a pseudo pretending to be smart, and you should consider self-harm.
Seems like a lot of people here are confusing IQ / good conditions with success. IQ has a string correlation with your job and income but becomes a lot weaker a factor when trying to measure how successful one will end up in his life. Which is ultimately what people value.
It's true they don't hire people who worked for a living over people who actually had work related to their job like an internship
Envy. That’s all.
I went to a university, got a job through my parents' connections.
Then I realized I didn't like software engineering so I retired on my crypto gains
I could have been a NEET all these years just as well, my "advantage" gave me nothing
I played poker professionally after I quit my job, I could have done that without a degree
>having grey hair since childhood
You did fine so I don't know where your butthurt is from.
If Richard's kids aren't as smart as him, all the advantages and wealth go down the shitter anyway for the next generation. Today there are more opportunities for someone to rise in wealth and social rank than in the past 1000 years. Even something as silly as buying random shitcoins at the correct timing will make random nerds and degens into millionaires.
Has some truth to it, but it's exaggerated fallacious as most of these comics.
My butthurt is from people assuming I do well because I'm privileged
I AM privileged, but that did nothing for me because I didn't like the wagecuck system. It was antithetic to my very being.
I have a sleep disorder, so I can't even properly go to sleep at the same time every night.
>Dad was a drug dealer.
>Mum was a prostitute.
>Dad steals me as a baby from my mum.
>Dad stops drinking and drugs. I've sat in the corner of many NA and AA meetings over the years.
>Dad is very strict but still abusive and a drug dealer.
>Got iq tested at 133 when I was a kid and forced to skip 4th grade.
>Flunked out of engineering degree
Now I'm a science teacher and a multimillionaire.
Like I could very well have gone a different direction if my friends parents hadn't been my role models.
Monkey see monkey do. Kids will do what they see. Don't forget that Veeky Forumsbois. Professionals breed professionals because the kids see their parents work. The parents help with homework. The parents are positive role models.
A lot of people don't get that. And we gotta drag ourselves out of that shit.
I still have trouble applying myself because that wasn't something I saw around me as a kid.
Thankfully my kids will get what I never had.
>theyre reasoning is completely understandable
No it's fucking not. Not at all. I was raised by drugged-out criminals in the worst kind of poverty you can find in a developed nation, and my parents still expected me to bring home A's because they knew that only working my ass off was going to let me escape the family history.
They literally gave up because, "Oh, well, child of mine, I guess that's good enough." They have a defeatist mentality, which is probably why they are poor.
Meritocracy is a fair system and Rawls is a faggot
no because they never ever had to try hard anything. they didn't need discipline etc.
Yeah, but focusing on exceptional cases, i.e. Bill Gates, doesn't help most people
We should be working to make life easier for and standard of living better for everyone
>compares average white middle class experience to exceptional muslim immigrant experience
>didn't take advantage of white privilege, criticizes muslim immigrant for taking advantage of opportunities
the comic compares the average privileged white person with the average unprivileged minority
If we followed your scenario, then the girl should've been a pregnant trap queen in the ghetto living on welfare on probation, obviously that's not most people
>Yes he started closer to top, but it doesn’t diminish his hard work.
Please watch the Harvards lecture's about "What is justice".
The prof proves with graphs and sources that 80% of all uni students are from wealthy families. Furthermore Intelligence is completely arbitrary, you did NOT WORK HARD TO GET YOUR INTELLIGENCE IT IS PURELY AND COMPLETELY ARBITRARY.
This is fact like it or not, even before you where born somebody a bunch of random parameters decided your success for a large portion.
>Hurr durr commie BS
I am libertarian myself. I do not have a strong opinion on the subject, but it is true that a lot of your life is determined by arbitrary bullshit, you do not get a choice, you are not on equal grounds and LIFE IS NOT FAIR. There are little to no equal opportunities.
Fuck guys, I think my girlfriend (who I will probably impregnate) is a lot less smart than me, am I fucked?