Hahha I told you



told what faggot?

I don't know if this is like, haha I told you it was shit, or if it's haha I told you it was gonna moon


tell us again then


what do you mean by this?

>It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job user, keep up the good work

WAN and REQ target the exact same market with the exact same product and even have similar roadmaps.

What does this mean for the price of REQ long-term?

What is competition?

What does Apple mean for the long term price of Android

Yes but since they are both made to have as low as a fee as possible to deter competition they might compete each other to death.

>Request will be first to be usable
>Request is a recognizable name
>Request has a good logo
>Wanchain sounds Chinesey and weird
>Wanchain won't even handle multiple currencies until June

>might compete each other to death
Who the fuck cares, before that they both will moon hard and make me retire at 24.

True, but on the other side

>WAN will be their own blockchain and not a ERC20 token
>WAN has a team of 50 core and 90 extended developers, REQ has 5 core developers als 11 extended
>WAN has partnerships with ICX and NEO
>WAN has a partnership with a south korean bank

Two competitors being in the same space might suppress the price of both because the potential for a monopoly isn't there anymore. This will hurt both Wanchain and REQ owners.

maybe, but
>before that they both will moon hard

I'm sorry but I am a bit confused. Whats the advantage of sending/ requesting funds on the ethereum network?

is it security? Is it speed?

No I mean the price RIGHT NOW. At the release of Wanchain REQ might dump and will suppress the moon potential of both coins.


Also Stacey thinks MEW is free but also CREEPY and WEIRD.



Nobody gives a fuck about wanchain, pajeet. Stop spamming every fucking thread.

>WAN will be their own blockchain and not a ERC20 token
How is this an advantage you dimwit?

First off let me show you my REQ holdings to show that I am not a WAN shiller but a concerned REQ holder.

The reason why I think having their own blockchain is an advantage is not because it inherently adds something. But because people are more likely to buy it since it won't have the "ERC20" stigma.

REQ is fucking dead, look at the volume.

It's going the way of DGB

Volume is still higher than it was 1 month ago


You think anyone outside red*it and red*it-infested Veeky Forums will care about some ERC20 stigma? Institutional investors will go balls-deep into REQ once they get their product working.

wanchain is an ethereum fork meaning it is an entire blockchain that tries to connect to other blockchains and has nothing to do with payments...

if anything a REQ clone (or fork) deployed on wanchain would be the exact same product... but at that point REQ would have been released for well over 6 months

that's token volume and is understandable considering it almost has 10x in fiat value since those peaks...

are you new?

Just sold 200k REQ, enjoy your bags.

>low-volume downtrend
No one is selling you brainlet.

You can't be serious.

LOL holy shit - you don't read charts often do you? Low volume + descending value doesn't mean dead. Fuck, are you 12? This is literally the dumbest shit I've read on here and shows you know nothing about markets.

Please show me more of your "dead coins" so I can get in now LOL fucking idiot

>WAN is not really clear on a lot of fronts. This could be good news (They don't have any direction) or bad news (Such a wide appeal they will target multiple segments at once and steamroll REQ).
>However WAN will implement

>>Ethereum in june 2018
>>bitcoin in december 2018
>>and other alt coins in december 2019

>While REQ will implement

>>Ethereum Q1 2018+ERC20 tokens
>>Bitcoin Q2 2018
>>Alt coins Q4 2018

>That's a pretty big head start together with the fund for applications and the backing of Ycombinator makes it seem like REQ will be the winner. But we can't know for sure. My REQ stack is way too big to switch sides though so I better pray that REQ will be the winner.

What are you brainlets up to? Request and Wanchain do different things and are not competitors.
Request could even run on top of wanchain (any eth dapp will be able to) and use its features in the future, if they choose so.

Oh sweetie.

Guess which coin this is?
