I fucked up Veeky Forums

>be me (a fucking brainlet)
>wants to make it via ICOs
>you have to submit your passport and be 18+ (I wasn't at the time)
>read on REEEEddit, that you can use a fake ID
>photoshop passport and send it to them, they approve it

Little did I know, that I can go to jail for that shit. Please guys, tell me it's gonna be ok?...right? RIGHT?"?!

Yeah, I know I should've asked my parents to do it, but they'd never give their passport to the internet.

And yeah, I know that I am THE stupidest fucking newfag ever.

What do I do now?
I'd rather kms than go to jail. FUCK

You done goofed retard. You're gonna go to jail and Jamal is going to fuck you in your ass.

They're gonna fine you and fine you and you're gonna lose all your crypto gains

Fraud gets more than just fines, hes going to lose gains and go to jail.

make sure how to bleach your asshole this month so it's less inviting while in prison

Tell em biz told you it was a good idea

*make sure not to bleach

Sue reddit.

I hope you aren't even the tiniest bit a pajeet or pajeet related race cause in about 6 months (when your ico moons) theres going to be massive fud about crypto funding terrorism and your ass will be in Guantanamo bay.

Try explaining all you did for research as a "sophisticated" investor is browsing an image board that posts frogs and shit.

you should have done what i did and paid a 19 year-old pajeet $300 worth of ETH a pop to be your fake ID mule. I've used lil' pajeet to get in on 3 ICOs that I wouldn't have otherwise been able to buy into

I just reported your IP to the cyberpolice. They'll be backtracing you now, loosen up your anus on your doorknob now in preparation for prison.

All you did was send fake info to pajeet. Hopefully it was all fake because he plans to sell your info to ISIS. Never upload your passport to 3rd world anons.

Yes, the exchange is going to report you to the proper authorities and you're going to prison.

Why would anyone ever find out

I'm also reporting him to the FBI.
>I'd rather kms than go to jail
Livestream now if you're going to do it fag

Chill out dude and dont listen to these retards. You are going to be fine, no one is going to be checking fucking anything... Eaven if by some strange reason you would get caught it's still not prison ...+ you were a minor when commiting the "crime" so no biggie....

Dont fear the fucking system you looser nothing will happen


Better butter up that anus for Tyrone

This. I'd unironically do the same if I was in your place OP.
It will hurt less.

>What do I do now?
start collecting soaps.
when in jail, and the daily ruckus is happening, throw as many of the soaps you have been hording on the floor as a distraction. this will give you a small amount of time to avoid having your own sharpie socket greased up and plundered.
this will work well for 78% of standard chimp outs.

good luck OP

Don't tell them. Or anybody. You'll be fine