aaaaand were crashed
Aaaaand were crashed
I give a D-
for dicking around.
>Can't even keep your site active
>Thinking anyone gives a shit what your opinion on blockchain tech is
If people managed to crash the site they clearly give a fuck.
Would trust their tech ratings again.
Fuck (((them))). I dont trust ratings shops. They are a bunch of ((((kikes)))) that insider buy before they publish. This is teeka. 2.0
>They are clearly lacking blockchain technologies
t. baby boomers that think weiss rating is relevant
go collect your social security because its too late to make it you old ass cunts
I'm probably younger than you, didn't even know what Weiss is before the crypto rating announcement.
No need to be salty just cause your logic is flawed, faggot.
Running on Bitcoin
>Wait 4 hours
>Pay 20 dollars in fees
>didn't even know what Weiss is before the crypto rating announcement.
Hahahaha and you think you're an expert on what will happen when these ratings drop. Protip: Nothing will happen. It won't affect shit. Normies don't care. Only you hopeful crypto pussies are getting excited that your bags and overvalued shitcoins might get a pump but in reality nobody cares about weiss scores
Thanks, just bought the dip.
Oh the irony. Old-ass financial men didn't pay enough for IT and they think they can give ratings to IT technologies.
Anyone think this is a targeted attack? Maybe someone is trying to suppress the results so they can load up on coins. Someone in another thread mentioned XLM is already surging...
I dont give a fuck what this gay ass wesier ratings shit is youre still a retard
You sure are defensive for someone that doesn't care! Why do you get so upset about something that you didn't even know existed before the announcement? lmfao fucking pathetic.
fucking 100%
It's up for me, still no list.
Perhaps they were not prepared for us
It's likely to be a DDOS to manipulate the market
interesting conspiracy theory. stupid, but interesting
We see DDOS bullshit constantly why would this be any different
lmao. baby boomers? most crypto ppl are like 16-25
Next year running on XLM probably.
>normie site plans to give ratings to emerging technology used mostly by basement dwellers
>site crashes
tell me how this isnt a DDOS
So it's corecucks afraid of their inevitable F- rating then.
It's up for me, I'm going to make my moves before posting again.
Seconds left.
When did I say this wasn't a DDOS? You dumb fucking nu-coiners love to strawmen, don't you?
>normies run a site
>basement dweller expects they can run it well
You seem new here
somebody buy and post it fuck
They dont even accept crypto for it fucking lol