Bitcoin c+
Full list : you're welcome
Bitcoin c+
Full list : you're welcome
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thanks OP
Wow, that fake list that was posted yesterday was surprisingly accurate.
>no A ratings
>ETH and NEO with highest ratings
>mostly C's
Nice one OP
Paste in here
why is there no Iota though?
thanks user
got it from TV chat
>dogecoin c
>verge c
Hahhahahaha, they don't have any credibility
mfw only holding B crypto
What a load of shitty ratings
what a joke kek
Fucking legend
Fucking Kikes didn't post the A and A+ Coins because they're accumulation themselfs.
If your coin is not on the list you made it
so how the fuck did these kikebastards assign scores? Arbitrary? Whether project CEO is jewish? Jesuschrist I hate normie bastards who must constantly appeal to authority.
>monero has a C rating
not credible
EOS rated a B, the shit only has a shitty whitepaper out lol
thank OP
natural selection at its finest. yes follow these ratings made by pajeet, YES.
Wow what a shit list, fuck these jews.
how the fuck does XMR only get a C HAHAHA i dont even own any and i find that retarded
It looks like a lot of it has to do with their 30 day price movements. It's actually the worst evaluation i've ever seen.
>he thinks LINK is a coin
how the fuck did eos score so high and bch so low? nothing is listed as e, and random shit coins are getting the same rating as btc. what the hell?
There's a D rating that make me laugh hard.
What a fucking joke.
Xtrabytes same as Monero HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Literal pajeet tier report
thank you op
this rating is pure joke LMAO
I assume this is fakenews in that ada literally doesn't have a working product.
Absolutely awful list.
They've basically sat on the fence with 90% of them by giving them all C.
Loads of tokens no one gives a fuck about either.
They included xby. Interesting.
lol what a joke of a list
missing so many hot coins and has a bunch of shitcoins that should be rated an F
>dogecoin c
good evaluation guys
Yeah what the fuck....
and can't even keep the pdf locked behind a paywall? sad
Giving Steem one of the highest ratings of all is the biggest kek by far.
It almost seems like they have no idea about cryptocurrency. Shock.
doge rated above bch lol
what a joke, also they announced that they would rate TRON, but didn't.
>yfw when the Treyvon James nigga coin steem has bigger rating than your coin
explain yourselves
this. wonder what's going on there
> they actually rated a literal joke-meme-coin
This. Very cunning, now I'm 100% sure a y3w made this list.
That's not bad
thanks weiss bought 100k eth
pretty fucking gay not to rate SIAcoin (high market cap high volume) or FUN
especially as they rate low market cap shit like CLOAKcoin and POT
desu from my "research", as dumb as that sounds, EOS is a good long term hold. I don't trust bch. Basically, seems obvious to me
>we dont hodl the highly scored coins, pinky promise!
XVG same rating as XMR.
That's really all you need to know this is fucking retarded.
Your research is shit dude, you would be a good fit for Weiss
the delusion is real
Wow holy fuck link got an A++ how the hell
Wtf I love stinky linkies now
What the fuck?
These guys undestand 0 about crypto or they are just trolling lol.
They don't want normies on the real tokens, they are still accumulating.
they took it down lul
Yea so it's real then
Feels like their entire site is getting hacked
Ven not even on the list. Wat
ven is trash
Where the fuck are you getting The domain is = =
and =
lmao you got spoofed, I hope you have 50 keyloggers on your computer and your private wallet keys are stolen already
Confirmed, Jews accumulating VEN they don't want to rate it.
>fucking kikes give everything a C
Woop de doo big fucking surprise
I just noticed they rated Raiblocks but not IOTA... and IOTA is way ahead in market cap.
are these niggas for real?
Yeah but IOTA has a shitty beta product that doesn't scale.
>mfw this is the mobile version
It's capped to around 1000 TPS with the coordinator on and no limits if it's off.
A few days ago I saw like 150 TPS on's live feed. Shit was nuts. I think it does scale but there's not enough transaction volume to see the huge numbers people like.
Think you got pwned m8
That's because all privacy coins are at equal risk of being completely BTFO by government regulations. Believe me when I say the only crypto that will be outlawed are privacy coins. Screencap this.
>Stratis is rated the same as Verge
HAHAHAHAHHAHHahahha fuck off stinking jews
Desu, the link isn't working
what were the results?
>ETH : B
>EOS : B
>NEO : B-
Rest of the coins were C+ or lower (BTC was C+).
>ADA : B-
both is shit, should be -D
OP's link redirects there.
Much ado about nothing. How gay. We know better than these hebes.