My hands are getting weaker by the day

Why does the price keep going down REEEEEEEEEEEE

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Hype died down due to problems with nodes, no wallets, and delayed binance listing. Gonna take a while.

pajeet coin pumped by bitgrail

I'm thinking of killing myself if this doesn't recover in february. Should I do an enema to make sure I don't empty my bowels when I die?

I mean if I empty my stomch beforehand then there shouldn't be much to shit out when I croak.
Don't want them to have to deal with a mess. Strangulation or the car is my choice.

>down from $30 to $13

These price drops are just more opportunites to buy. I never thought we'd see XRB so low again. It's my comfiest long-term hold by far. Only an idiot would argue against it being over $100 by the summer.

Bought at $4.75, finally cut my losses now. I'll move em back there once it shows healthy signs again, I'm keeping my eye on it..

That would be nice

You deserve to lose all ur money cuz u bought a useless coin hahah, raiblocks is made for p2p but NOBODY ACCEPTS RAIBLOCKS HAHAHAHA

you can only buy toothpaste with it faggots and there is 0 incentive to run a node.

Sometimes its better to let go and search for new opportunity user

>still hasnt realised it was a pnd
user, I...

the average human body has 19lbs of feces at any given time. there is no escaping it, you're going to take a huge dump when you pass.

directed acyclic graph tech could be used one day, but it's too buggy right now.. rai, iota, byteball, etc.

invest in enigma and wait a while
this is most shilled sentence you will hear, but enigma is undervalued. amazing team full of CHAD MIT students smarter than anyone on this message board. 335million marketcap, around place 80 on cmc.

enigma is like ethereum and monero mixed, a private blockchain

remember this message in the future when you see enigma in top 20.

>Dogecoin is attacking Raiblocks!
Raiblocks is failing bad.


The FUD is strong now.
Binance moon
$25 EOM. Get out afterwards

reminder that assblaster was right about xrb

Fucking kek @ still holding this, you should have dumped it a long time ago

Raiblocks is legit. I will be running both my own raiblocks node, as well as a module for my e-commerce website. The raiblocks shopping cart plugin, brainblocks, is better than any professional level merchant solution I have seen. Maybe COSS will come close, but I am betting my money on merchant solution integration for 2018.

Vitalik already said this is a scam project. He can't however kick this token out of the ETH blockchain.

I wonder how many nodes are even required globally for the system to function considering Bitgrail ran their entire exchange on one node. I imagine a lot of people with hot wallets won’t even realize they’re running a node and businesses would naturally run their own nodes. Haven’t heard about Brainblocks, is that the p2p app the team said they were gong to develop? Also ledger support when?

>buy paper car because its faster than one made from metal
>is surprised it falls apart after driving it twice.

xrb holders logic


It was designed by a paypal checkout engineer in his free time.

Demos I have seen are awesome, the checkout process is done on the website page, no popups and confirmation takes less than a minute.

Lol shitty scam by few silly fags behind mit campus, no thanks.
>invest in true IOTA if you want to make it

Now that Weiss has scared all the normies away, I'm out.


Just keep buying scams like enigma brainblocks,
>eventually youll make when IOTA moons and youll fomo in it

>still thinks shitty exchange issues have anything to do with the coin that you can test yourself

nice bait

But user everyone needs to brush there teeth, so it's not useless

Devs announced that new versions of their wallets are coming soon, including an Android version.
There's also a big cult following, with people voluntarily making transaction platforms that can be used by online stores. And don't forget the rebranding. which will hopefully make it a more attractive product in asia.

TL;DR: Calm your tits.

op... raiblocks was just a memecoin... there is no incentive for this to be mass adopted.. and i think it is also vunerable to attacks

Searched every post goiing back into october, nothing. Fake News bruv.

Not even joking, just bought 125 more XRB

Most fuded coin, possibly of all time. This actually has a working product and shoes promise with updates/listings in the pipeline. You would be a brainlet to sell now lmao

that is indeed vitalik, nice fud man

Holy shit, if Raiblocks gets implimented by Paypal, its GG. We'll be millionaires lads.

The fudder even says XRB is on the Ethereum blockchain
Obvious attempt to lower the price.

It wasn't official or anything, but as it stands the checkout is as simple as paypal is, actually easier. The only issue is getting customers to adopt crypto in the first place. The main issue is making it easy for people to instantly go fiat -> crypto... any coins that address this solution, please share, as it will be a dynamite pairing with raiblocks.

Veeky Forums buys at ATH, bleeds 20% and then sells. Veeky Forums has no vision and chases pumps and hype.
Veeky Forums sells the rumors and buys the news.
Do the opposite of what Veeky Forums does and you'll make it.


full of shit, "the more spam trx the faster it goes", but reality whole network came to a halt for a few days due to spam transactions
claimed to be "quantum safe" but is vulnerable to high-school attacks, broken cryptography
IoT coin, yet requires PoW, ternary magic future co-processors promised
lies about partnerships
stolen funds due to shitty offical wallet, IOTA website, and reddit was recommending to use a vulnerable wallet due to
bad design bad implementation
no mathematical proof that consensus will ever be reached, just shitty simulations

PoW for spam limit, but exchanges break and dont have the energy/dollars to expend in GPUs or another-layer-of-control-software to provide their customers the transactions
nodes drop out of network and cant/wont catch up
no new node has synced with rest of the network, since a year or so
possible Man in the middle attacks

2 to 20 trx/s due to shitty implementation, hi Ethereum
bite-my-balls for an actual cryptocurrency name
requires to trust that 7 of 12 witnesses will not collude
requires to believe that all users will be able to select the said 12 witnesses, they cant, network is still run by dev.

So much for "muh dag coins"

smart move.. You'll be able to rebuy for less than your original purchase

So much this. PayPal engineers already prospecting

>PoW for spam limit, but exchanges break and dont have the energy/dollars to expend in GPUs or another-layer-of-control-software to provide their customers the transactions
>nodes drop out of network and cant/wont catch up
>no new node has synced with rest of the network, since a year or so
>possible Man in the middle attacks

Point one is nonsense. For a stress test someone preloaded PoW for 30k transactions. on a 1070 in about 5 hours. That's 6k transactions an hour, or 100 a minute. If an exchange can't offset the cost of running a 1070, you shouldn't be using them.
Points two and three are incorrect. The node issues are fixed.
Everything is vulnerable to mtm attack.

> The node issues are fixed.
Why do you need to lie to promote your bags?
Show the github commit fixing the node issues, show the release which fixes this critical issue

btw the last release is still from Dec 16.

this node syncing issue is obviously not a simple bug, or even a hard bug to fix.
it could mean a fatal concept flaw - if no new nodes can bootstrap, what the fuck is the coin good for?
why cant they bootstrap, why do nodes lose sync?
even the devs dont know, otherwise there would be discussion about this.

Run a node.
Does it sync?
Are the exchanges having problems?
The last github commits were adressing bootstrapping issues.

Maybe fixed is the wrong word, but they work.