Buy the breakout

>buy the breakout
>it was just a bounce
>buy the dip
>it's a crash
>lose more and more money


buying low and selling high

or just dont move in quicksand because you will sink faster

>Not buying after consolidation period

Just sell low now and you’ll be set

Why don't you just calm down and stop buying and selling? Just hold your coins.

do you even MacD Bro

you must be a fucking yank

i can solve your problem with some simple discrete maths

either the coin is going to break it's ATH (1), or it isn't (0)

if you believe in the coin (aka, the coin isn't a shitcoin and actually has a use which will grow with the market) then hold (1)

if you don't believe in it, and think its going to stagnate and die, and you only bought it cause you're a stupid yank who chases pumps and sells at the first red candle, then sell (0)

fucking yanks cunt i swear

An underrated poast

>Taking advice from Australia

Make it off of people like you

im british you dry cunt

Maybe stop trying to be a daytrader and just fucking hold, it's not that hard.

You know doing nothing is also a valid move.

Stop being so easily influenced by people on an anonymous imageboard.

pretty much this OP
you only have yourself to blame

Ah damn, I thought I could get you on account of your use of the word "cunt" and the fact that you said "yanks" which I guess I tend to seldom here from Brits

stupid amerifats

Nice ID

But I dunno, you guys may be catching up

It's gambling

This is fine

damn you are bagholding like a fucking champ. you will learn from this experience trust me

Thanks bro

imagine being a fucking mutt

We frequently say 'yank' and 'cunt' in Britain - often in the same sentence

nobody has made money for weeks now

By week or month trading.

Britain is not Europe.

Someone is mad

Extremely, I can barely contain my rage

You're trading against bots m8, you need to have a basic understanding of them before attempting to day trade.

Our shill accounts being stuffed for shilling here.