Seems like a solid project with a decent team.
New shitcoin that could x10
No it doesn't. It won't 10x.
Buy a helium bag jfc
definitely a shitcoin.
definitely a 10x.
stfu pajeet
definitely a 5-10x lmfao, just gotta make the normies catch on and get it listed on a few other exchanges (binance), normies love fucking binance
stop shilling this shit
go look at how big the token supply is and what this coin is actually for fucking retards
definitely not a shit coin, but releasing it in a bear market isn't going to give it any attention
Go look at the ACTUAL token supply - 50% is is held back and will only be released at a rate of 5% per year to partners.
This coin WILL be top 10 in 18 months.
My prediction is 50x it's price right now - it would still have a smaller market cap than a couple "top ten" shit coins.
Token supply means shit if the marketcap is low
>decent team
>nigger in the team