Seems like a solid project with a decent team.
New shitcoin that could x10
No it doesn't. It won't 10x.
Buy a helium bag jfc
definitely a shitcoin.
definitely a 10x.
stfu pajeet
definitely a 5-10x lmfao, just gotta make the normies catch on and get it listed on a few other exchanges (binance), normies love fucking binance
stop shilling this shit
go look at how big the token supply is and what this coin is actually for fucking retards
definitely not a shit coin, but releasing it in a bear market isn't going to give it any attention
Go look at the ACTUAL token supply - 50% is is held back and will only be released at a rate of 5% per year to partners.
This coin WILL be top 10 in 18 months.
My prediction is 50x it's price right now - it would still have a smaller market cap than a couple "top ten" shit coins.
Token supply means shit if the marketcap is low
>decent team
>nigger in the team
>investing in africa
yeah no thx
it just never moves. this was last night now look today the sell walls just keep coming back stronger.
>nig ceo
hard pass
it's not even a week old user
Sold my bag of 240k for a loss today. This coin is garbage and it’s not going to moon.
>out for a few days
>never moves
Gotta have some patience. At least it hasnt completely crashed
Can't wait for this hidden gem to moon
>buy high sell low
The biz way. See you again when you FOMO after this is close to finish mooning.
Only interested because of the strong advisors, project is alright and the ceo is ...well, you know.
Potential moon, don't know about hodling, lots of similar coins.
are you retarded? where else would it see mass adoption? you think anyone gives a shit about telcoin on the western hemisphere or even asian/europe when they have built up financial infrastructure? or somewhere where theres fuck all and they need some means of transacting. you stupid dumb pajeet nigger.
yeah but nah
>decent team
pick one
eek, i can sense the nervousness and anger in your reply. i'm definitely going to stay away. good luck :)
>>nigger in the team
>>investing in africa
Makes flashy video like a nigger, dressing fly with Nikes, rolling away in SUV. Not sure why I expected something informational in a video in the first place...
Then this lovely CNBC video, where he professes to want to get people who are "unbankers" to start to bank with their phones. Yeah, it's a great thing for 3rd world countries. Now, instead of getting jacked/shot at the ATM, they can just do it wherever if they know you bank using a mobile.
What's funnier, is someone can just scan ERC20 addresses and see their balance.
So you're going to have african gangs torturing people for their phone passwords to steal their funds.
Banking the unbanked really needed a privacy coin, because the unbanked live in lawless shit holes and they need privacy as well as security of their money.
That's where Civic can work. But they aren't really doing much.
wow you must hate money, good thing youre staying away.
First time I'm holding a coin that's literally on its way to become 100% worthless.
It just seems like one of those coins that's going to catch on for no real reason, that's why I threw $500 into it just for the hell of it.
Just curious, what exchanges do you use?
>$500B Market
>5 billion phones
Nah, I'm good dog
Is this the next CanYa?
Just'd the whole way down
Iron hands
Mc is 240 mil, that is not low lmao
This will be 2-3 Cents by February.
How about we post our dissatisfaction with the listing in their reddit sub? Kucoin is garbage, giant arena only meant for whales to pnd anything new, permanently killing it in the process
>trillions of tokens
>most of them are being given away to telcos for free
$10k EOY
Fees are the same on binance, why is kucoin any better?
I personally use Kraken (to cash out) and bittrex for everything else.
>still using bittrex
It's the definition of a shitcoin
What grinds my gears is biz is only just starting talking about this when I knew about it months ago and could already tell it was a shitcoin
Made me realise biz is all second hand news normally too late to actually make gains on anything
explain yourself
Get in now, you'll be the first one on Veeky Forums to know about this
Total shit coin. Be lucky if you x2 from this shit
dont u need like 10 grand in your account before u can do anything with bittrex?
someone bring some fresh blood on this one, I need to recover asap lmao
No lesbians allowed, sounds like a cool place.
Got 36k of this absolute shit coin for a laugh.
>shot like a music video
This a sure thing
Rowland Okoli
3 weeks ago
This interview is simple and needs no explanation.
I felt that the simplicity at which Claude explain it would make any lay person understand it.
Well, I have seen the power of M-PESA and how people make a part of their daily survival, over 20million subs is not a child's play.
Working with the Telcos is the best channel of distribution to maximise adoption and also making it accessible to featured phone(non-smart phones) is a mind-boggling feat. This is a deeper penetration at all levels of social cadre.
Nigeria alone has over 80million subs; now add Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire , Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South African, Angola etc.
Trust me guys, you just hit a gold mine whilst solving problems for people in urbanized areas, rural areas and interiors.
Relax and let the Telcos do the marketing then you'd see a paradigm shift even in the western world.
Not really, the first time I used bittrex I sent them the equivalent of 200 EUR in ETH and used them to buy some BAT.
I never withdrew any coins tho, but I have an enhanced account and their FAQ states that the withdraw limit is 100 BTC per day.
Okay it wasnt bittrex it mustve bene bitfinnex
just bought in, lots of potential. i'm not expecting $1 EOY but 0.05 at least in the next little while feels pretty reasonable
It's over 200% up retard for ICO buyers and it came out week ago, it will go up further as it gets added to more exchanges and roadmap goals hit.
Buy high sell low, keep being poor faggot.
like clockwork
the americans starting the fud again
this board is a shitshow when the burgers have time to post
Burger here and I bought some Telcoin at the ICO.
>ain't me doing the fudding