Shots. Fired.
Shots. Fired
>robert shiller
>they think they can regulate a decentralized system
Kiss my ass.
>jews being jews
How salty can the moutain jew get?
>I care who makes the laws but who controls the currenc-
This Keynesian leftist fuck is a HERO to the left
Fuck this absolute turd
Makes me never want to sell.
Paul Krugman is true same fucking way
Keynesian scumbag praised by leftists
>Paul Krugman is true same fucking way
I like how Krugman said the stock market would crash after Trump's election and recommended people to sell.
Him and his buddies print the shit out of FIAT and steal everyone's money. Then they play dumb about why people are abandoning it in droves.
He should have the world record for most wrong predictions.
oh look. just jews trying to jew
>implying they can't just decide to call every BTC owner a criminal
>implying they can't just start jailing you for visiting a criminal trading board
>implying you won't sit because you made memes advocating the usage of illegal currencies
88 1 1 1 1
What did der Fuhrer mean by this?
Just another reason we should absolutely despise leftists.
He's also jewish. You've been warned, yet you wouldn't listen.
>tfw bizlets think they are smarter than an admittedly ideological as fuck top economist
>tfw the bizlets are equally compromised by prior assumptions
>implying this would ever happen in real life and that any non 3rd world government wouldnt get instantly massively exiled due to jailing a massive portion of their population, which 99% wont have room for in their "jails"
yeah go ahead and keep thinking that you braindead faggot.
It will go like this
>We're jailing you unless you give us 95% of your crypto in (((taxes)))
>O-oh o-okay h-here is my crypto mr law man
And if you don't comply you are crucified as being literally the worst human being ever, someone who wants the children to starve and the old to die without healthcare, yadda yadda. And most people will just pay the ridiculous taxes and accept that "that's just the way it is".
listening to anything these jew fucks say is cynile. if these jews are against it then buy more because they'll turn around tomorrow and say how bitcoin is the next thing. never trust a JEW.
you gotta be retarded to do this, ill never give you shit. its absolutely fucking insane to THINK that majority of people just hand over 30-40% in "taxes". Yeah, good job working a full year and then 3-4 months of that is just pure slave work.
>people move, country loses billions in crypto tax revenue
>redditors think they can beat the creature from jekyll island
You're already dead
If it were possible, China would already have done it. If China can't ban BTC, then probably no nation is able to do it.
Friendly reminder that USA’s revolutionary war started for much less than what’s going on right now. There’s only so much the people can take before saying enoughs enough. Speaking for America and Europe.
>INT in the filename
Thanks, bought 100k. Guaranteed moon mission.
>USA's revolutionary war
>when we were literally enslaving niggers and working them to death
o-okay mate
M8, people here in europe have ~30-40% income tax, and that's just one of many. Above that you have VAT, home, car, etc taxes. I fucking hate this socialist hellhole, and there's nowhere to run or flee to because the taxes are insane literally EVERYWHERE.
>lol just leave all your friends, family and heritage behind
Nothing against nigs but let’s be honest for a moment. The white man’s spirit only takes shit for so long before snapping. Look at history
Hey talk to the blacks that sold out their own people and started slavery. Can't blame the whites for accepting a good deal.
shitlips is a huge lefty cuck. no wonder he gets triggered by people making money and not sharing it with jamal and wanda
what is this davos thing? it was posted on SNC telegram that they were presenting or something, is this shit a big deal?
The Holocaust will happen for real this time.
>There’s only so much the people can take before saying enoughs enough
You underestimate the brainwashing. Most people think the situation is bad because so many are NOT paying taxes. I've heard ppl say that tax evaders are the real reason why we're not living in a paradise on earth, and that they should be shot/hanged/etc
>second 88 dubs i see on a hitlerpost today
>US slavery
This desu. I'm convinced the only fucks larping here about paying taxes on crypto are paid shills.
Nigger (((they))) worked out the perfect rate of income tax over a century ago. Look it the fuck up, at one point they pushed too far and people got uppity.
They're scientific as fuck and here you are with a keyboard doing fuck all. Crypto is nothing but a trial run, an experiment and a great case study for human greed. Its a perfect example of how the average hypocritical retard needs to be controlled
what a disgusting kike
Keynesians, Jews, bad news.
this guy is just begging for the guillotine
God I hate socialism so god damn much
a fucking jew overlord of the swiss banks is bashing BTC because of secrecy. fuck him.
This dude straight up looks an anti-semitic political cartoon
Go shill plebbit for your 8$ / hour.
Yes I should just stay poor because some dumb fucking Boomer Jew cockroach says so. Durr hurr sure thing pal
>(((they))) worked out the perfect rate of income tax over a century ago. Look it the fuck up
I honestly don't know what you're talking about but I'm intrigued. Please give me more than a vague direction so I can look into it.
Anyway, the fact that taxes ARE in fact this high kinda means that people will pay them. Maybe it will collapse (it will, the government is a parasite that can't help itself and grows until its host is dead), but I don't see that happening too soon.
He didn’t say the civil war you illiterate potato, ethics of slavery played a 0.00% role in revolutionary war
It's so sad how people get brainwashed by government propaganda.
>implying niggers in America aren't better off than their African counterparts
the jews are truly the greatest force of evil on earth. until they are physically removed we will never be at peace.
>It's a bubble
>goes to $1
>Goes to $10
>Goes to $50
>Goes to $100
>Goes to $500
>Goes to $1000, no ways says MSM
>Goes to $10,000
Jesus, broken record already. These people didn't see the housing crisis, how could we trust them for anything?
Worst thing is the amount of shit you get if you question it.
>I think the government's size should be decreased.
It's afraid.
Fuck these fucking kikes man i swear. We need to rev up those ovens again
The Brownback tax cuts in Kansas did appear to totally fuck schools, public health, and roads.
More like Robert FUDDer
why is it that every fucking jew on the planet seems to hate crypto?
what's your source for that? Some bullshit leftwing mouthpiece probably
I can't speak for America but I sure as hell know the value of the government school system in Europe. The only thing that was actually worth something was my engineering degree, and my uni is like 95% private sponsored (by corporations and such), so it's not exactly like I have the government to thank for that.
Bc they cannot perform usury
line up all these retards and shove a stake up their ass. Fucking grabby money hungry kikes.
Because for the first time in history they won't be able to have control over money and they are truly, truly afraid. They want to shut it down. It's all fun and games for now because they think they can kill it in its infancy by defamation and ridicule, but when they really get scared, shit will go down.
It’s very simple. I don’t know a single Jew who doesn’t watch cable tv religiously (whether they’re left or right wing, it doesn’t matter) They recite their late night jew talking points as far as “it’s da dotcom bubble all ova again!!”
Because they can’t control it and manipulate by themselves
its an annual meeting where the top jews come together and figure out how the best ways to fuck over the goyim
jews are a hivemind and crypto currency threatens their control over the global monetary system
read culture of critique if you wanna learn more
>taxes equals socialism
why are people here so dumb
Crypto will continue regardless of regulation, they'll just push it into more criminal waters, and they'll create the very problem they claim exists.
Found the leftist shill
Those things shouldn't be monopolized by the government I the first place
Fuck you
>People don't already know that
This man is after our gains!
We must fight back.
Sure but both of these things are giving horrible and must be destroyed
>First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win
Its working
Stop literally robbing people. Taxes are not just retarded, they are morally wrong. If they are so good, you wouldn't need to force people to pay them.
>tfw born in time to help /pol/ and Veeky Forums save the world
It blows my mind that there are people who still aren’t anti-Semitic in 2018. Get with times, everyone. With Jews you lose
/pol/ was right yet again
Well no crypto genius has been able to answer this question "because lol you just dont understand bitcoin!"
If countries are run by elites and bitcoins are fucking them over what happens if they simply make it illegal to trade bitcoin?
>Lol you can't make that illegal nobody owns bitcoin you stupid fuck its not centralized!
Yeah okay lets just legislate it so any store/manufacturer who accepts bitcoin as payment is faced with heavy fines or even imprisonment for facilitating (insert whatever plausible excuse they think up for normies) and only (((government))) approved institutions may have anything to do with it.
TL;DR what if they make the point of exchanging crypto illegal, why does it have value other than being a currency for crime?
So they will jail hundred of thousands of law abiding youn white and asian male for using internet money?
Kek, they don't even have enough place to jail terrorists and niggers in my country.
Yes Brother.
> We memed Trump into the Whitehouse.
> We will respond to this act of act of aggression with extreme force
>change fight to kill
the only way to win is to die
they dont have to, theyll just take everything from you and make you wish they had put you in jail since jail has free food
>being this retarded
>what is a shadow economy
What was bitcoins value when its primary use was illicit dealings please remind me?
Back when America was not only 90% White, but 70% Anglo-Saxon, and 20% German and Dutch. Today, USA is 60% "White" today, with 1/3 of those "Whites" being Irish, Italian, Jewish, and mestizo.
Your lizard brain doesn't understand P2P. Go read the white paper you pseudo intellectual
This. There are a lot of people who have a vested interest in whitey slaving away.
That would be Nate Silver during the election he got everything wrong.