What was Veeky Forums even like before becoming /crypto/?

What was Veeky Forums even like before becoming /crypto/?


It was a good board about actual investments and not memecoins

curious myself. any good threads saved from that era?

mostly fart porn and discussions on star trek

A bunch of ivy league preppy Chads with financial or law degrees making 6 figure salaries at dad's firm talking about Roth IRAs and aggressive portfolios.

real advice:
low-flow toilets
small business ownership
retirement-oriented investing

pissing in a cup
donating blood
sucking dick

*may be legitimate enterprises for many people here

There wasn't anything before crypto
Crypto was born
Crypto created it's creator
Crypto compiled the cosmos
Crypto is life

>being this new that you don't remember pre-crypto era
you need to go back

This board was like 90 percent crypto from the beginning instead of the 99 percent we have now

There never was a pre crypto era. This board was literally created as a containment board for cryptofaggots that couldn’t keep their shit in one thread on /g/

I remember seeing a lot of robinhood, dropshipping, business ideas and shit. Now 100% crypto RIP

>stocks, ponzi schemes and the occasional business advice thread

we have basically the same shit now can you believe that?

>making an excel spreadsheet
>well...if I put away this amount each month, I can retire maybe at 47 or so
>well...if I put away this amount each month, I can retire maybe in June or so

Those people wanted to make you a billionaire and you call them faggots.
All you had to do was listen.

Neets asking for ideas. It was fantastic

This is false in a sense before 2017 you would not see a single crypto thread most days


Robin hood
The three b's
Buy low sell high


Not it wasn’t crypto was mostly in generals