Will we see $1 this month?
If we get listed on any other exchange it will x3-5 instantly. The marketcap is still so small that there is insane room for growth.
Hope it crashes you greedy faggots still holding since bilbo shilled this Ruski garbage at 0.04
Fucking deluded normans get a spacious x10, refuse to take it and instead start asking for x25
It does seem like garbage, but at the same time, craigslist is garbage and look how many people use that. I think we could see this shit hit half a bil market cap if the interface is even semi usable
3% escrow fees
Let me go ahead and switch from .01% to 3% that sounds good guys
Localbitcoins u habe to meet irl
This isn't a problem
Whoever you are that keeps making these threads, just stop. Some of us are still accumulating
>inb4 I'm a shill
I will be a shill once this thing gets listed on kucoin