This is your next 50x

Data (DTA)

Don't blow it.

Other urls found in this thread:


I just spent 10 minutes playing with their website homepage


This looks really nice

fuck off. i'm in Mainland China and it's the only thing that works.

hope this isn't datawallet coz i forgot to buy it until i seen this post. am i too late

beat that faggots


fuck off gooks, not buying this $400m shitcoin


FUCK the normies found out about DTA.

Binance listing next week. Screencrap this.

>Suggesting that DTA should be worth $23 billion
Yeah... no

Where to buy?

for real? didn't even know about that.
look, all i'm saying is, get the fuck in for some gains. you are warned. NOBODY is talking about this yet.
buy in huobi.
site :
cheers, anons

Do chinks really talk this based?

i'm not chinese, idiot. i'm just here.
don't fucking blow it.

This is your next 100-2000x

whats the market cap

not sure, about 70m now? just get in. normies will eat this shit up, and again, nobody is talking about this. hold 3 months and you're there. what more can you ask for in this market.

>just get in
thanks ill pass

pls to sir
when moon

it's fine if you don't want to, as always, i am just trying to help you all be less dumb. cheers.

Ssshh don't overshill this, some people are still accumulating

sir,. Pls respond when moon

this is my first post about this. don't worry, i'm not an asshole about it. people should know though. we are, after all, the forefront of this here, whether people want to believe it or not. cheers.

goodnight, anons.

thx, i bought some in case

everytime you still someone shilling coin on Veeky Forums and you buy it you will instantly see this

not this time. search for posts about this coin. how many do you find? maybe one, or two? again, i do not post garbage. i am literally, as always, just trying to help. bed time. cheers.

>already up a gazillion percent
>no info whatsoever

gee thanks alot OP!

oh yes i fucking love buzzwords...
>dots connected with lines, original as FUCK

just bought 100k

how would you even buy this?

Didn't set it up properly before, would like at least 1 person to use, thx

of course not. its obviously a pajeet shilling his shitcoin

no. i am an american living in china, eating kick ass food, banging cute girls, and living cheap while i try to help myself, and you. up to you. i can only provide the information i find. fuck, okay, goooood-night.

11.5 bil total supply lol. You can keep this shitcoin

>Pump and dump over
>Pajeets who missed the top come and shill their bags
>Price crashes
Every time. Never buy a coin that is shilled more than once a month on Veeky Forums. As soon as it is shilled more often, start to sell.