
Already trading at 3x ICO

Who else went big on this ICO and is having their life changed right now?

Selling 50% at $1, putting into COSS, and holding the other 50% to see where it takes me.
Thank you to the anons who shilled this, I seriously saw a post on Veeky Forums about it and dumped 10 ETH in, all in under 2 hours.
You the real MVP man.

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you do know spamming 10 threads an hour will indicate to everyone that this is the pajeet coin that it is. you're doing it wrong raj

im just doing my part to pay back the anons who shilled this to me

seriously look into the company, the laundry list of past clients is genuinely disturbing.
buy it, or dont, im just happy as fuck ive already made 20 grand and its only been trading for a few hours.

can anyone enlighten me why this coin is trading at 3x ICO?

pic related

it's not
there hasnt been a sale or half hour and it's at 20cents

this shitcoin has no volume cause u niggers didnt get the tokens yet lol

it will dump below ico

because its not lol. op is larping with wash traded zero volume trades.

I went small and I have no tokens yet.

I hope so I wouldn't mind picking some up below 0.07

This is so sad. Everyone here was expecting a this to be like Lamden when it went 13x. So many hopes and dreams lost.

JR please stop.

we warned them. they didnt listen. i feel sorry for the guy who bought 480k. what a sad sight that guy has been.

JR, please stop samefagging and fudding man, not everyone is double digit IQ.

>selling for 20 cents and dropping
>no buys for half an hour

>everyone against my coin is samefagging
yes. i can see why you were dupped in 480k of these shitcoins lol

The phone + pc combo

>he doesn't understand that we're all typing the same all just to fuck with his paranoid ass

You know what JR, im gonna watch some closed beta gameplay of a game, goodluck son.


we're gettin up to an hour here with no buys my friend. you guys may want to lower your price. you know, just an idea.

I regret not putting more than 1/5 of my stack in before the crash, AHHHHHH

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Call 18002738255

i'm not american you POS

No one cares about IDEX, they'll list on a real exchange, then you can remember the dumb shit you are spewing now and regret missing this ICO NP

Lmao, if you have been around hes just been samefag fudding trying to buy in around 2x ICO price, but meh, done trying to cuck him.

i thought the demand was high for your shitcoin? surely some people would use idex to get in on such a low low price. but no. everybody is passing on the shit coin. no buys for an hour. this is fucking sad im sorry lol

It’s already below ICO

lol i can buy in below 2x right now wtf. i choose not to because this coin is literal shit

Sure is JR.

Last I thought, this was a fucking scam

And from all of the shill posts I’ve seen as of lately, it’s only verified what I initially thought.

We’re not buying your heavy bags faggots

No one buying because token holders know it's worth more and won't sell for less.
Not our fault greedy fucks are waiting for ICO price that will never come, keep the volume low, doesn't reduce the long-term value of current holders at all.

its literal below ico lmao.

ICO was .07 and .10 USD.
Last volume is .20 USD, and most sell orders are .30USD
Samefag fudder just making shit up provably false, good luck

this ICO timing was perfect
Liquidated everything for this right before the crash

>3x ico prices
>heavy bags
pick one faggot

people would be buying 3x the ico if the coin was actually good lol. is this your first ico?

It's obviously yours. remember lamden?
What happened with lamden?
I bet you don't know.

Taking this fudder seriously when he just wants cheaper bags.

did lamden go an hour straight with absolutely no buys? please enlighten me.

Yeah no one is selling at a realistic price right now the ICO whales are delusional. Everyone should just check the log the market is totally dead.

sorry correct here. an hour and half with no buy orders.

Nope, but that's because people dumped it to below ICO, so of course people bought.

Since this token is worth more, no one is listing below ICO.

Simple, really, you must be new.

>the coping
i feel so bad for you, really i do.

What a great counter, i'm convinced, i'll dump at ICO price ASAP

Is this Universa?
Fuck off then

Wash trading faggots

Nobody will buy this scam coin once they open their eyes.

Goddamit just give me my coins already!!!!

Why do you think these two are competing? Is Universa offering spend management? Looks like they won't even sell a token until Q2 lmao

where is it trading at?

yup theyre wash trading now that this is becoming an embarrassment.

holy fuck ive been waiting 4 days for my tokens is this even real

It's on idex, and etherdelta.

Where the fuck are my tokens.

Same, but sending right now

This token is not compatible with Etherdelta. Do not send it there.

the axsperg whales have assured us that it is. why do you say such things?